
/Symfony 4.1



AccessException Thrown when trying to read an option outside of or write it inside of {@link \Symfony\Component\OptionsResolver\Options::resolve()}.
InvalidArgumentException Thrown when an argument is invalid.
InvalidOptionsException Thrown when the value of an option does not match its validation rules.
MissingOptionsException Exception thrown when a required option is missing.
NoConfigurationException Thrown when trying to introspect an option definition property for which no value was configured inside the OptionsResolver instance.
NoSuchOptionException Thrown when trying to read an option that has no value set.
OptionDefinitionException Thrown when two lazy options have a cyclic dependency.
UndefinedOptionsException Exception thrown when an undefined option is passed.


ExceptionInterface Marker interface for all exceptions thrown by the OptionsResolver component.

© 2004–2017 Fabien Potencier
Licensed under the MIT License.