
/Symfony 4.1


class CliDumper extends AbstractDumper

CliDumper dumps variables for command line output.




static $defaultOutput
protected $line from AbstractDumper
protected $lineDumper from AbstractDumper
protected $outputStream from AbstractDumper
protected $decimalPoint from AbstractDumper
protected $indentPad from AbstractDumper
protected $flags from AbstractDumper
static $defaultColors
protected $colors
protected $maxStringWidth
protected $styles
static protected $controlCharsRx
static protected $controlCharsMap
protected $collapseNextHash
protected $expandNextHash


__construct(callable|resource|string|null $output = null, string $charset = null, int $flags = 0)
callable|resource|string setOutput(callable|resource|string $output)

Sets the output destination of the dumps.

from AbstractDumper
string setCharset(string $charset)

Sets the default character encoding to use for non-UTF8 strings.

from AbstractDumper
string setIndentPad(string $pad)

Sets the indentation pad string.

from AbstractDumper
dump(Data $data, callable|resource|string|true|null $output = null)

Dumps a Data object.

from AbstractDumper
dumpLine(int $depth, $endOfValue = false)

Dumps the current line.

echoLine(string $line, int $depth, string $indentPad)

Generic line dumper callback.

from AbstractDumper
string utf8Encode(string $s)

Converts a non-UTF-8 string to UTF-8.

from AbstractDumper
setColors(bool $colors)

Enables/disables colored output.

setMaxStringWidth(int $maxStringWidth)

Sets the maximum number of characters per line for dumped strings.

setStyles(array $styles)

Configures styles.

dumpScalar(Cursor $cursor, string $type, string|int|float|bool $value)

Dumps a scalar value.

dumpString(Cursor $cursor, string $str, bool $bin, int $cut)

Dumps a string.

enterHash(Cursor $cursor, int $type, string $class, bool $hasChild)

Dumps while entering an hash.

leaveHash(Cursor $cursor, int $type, string $class, bool $hasChild, int $cut)

Dumps while leaving an hash.

dumpEllipsis(Cursor $cursor, bool $hasChild, int $cut)

Dumps an ellipsis for cut children.

dumpKey(Cursor $cursor)

Dumps a key in a hash structure.

string style(string $style, string $value, array $attr = array())

Decorates a value with some style.

bool supportsColors()
endValue(Cursor $cursor)


__construct(callable|resource|string|null $output = null, string $charset = null, int $flags = 0)


callable|resource|string|null $output A line dumper callable, an opened stream or an output path, defaults to static::$defaultOutput
string $charset The default character encoding to use for non-UTF8 strings
int $flags A bit field of static::DUMP_* constants to fine tune dumps representation

callable|resource|string setOutput(callable|resource|string $output)

Sets the output destination of the dumps.


callable|resource|string $output A line dumper callable, an opened stream or an output path

Return Value

callable|resource|string The previous output destination

string setCharset(string $charset)

Sets the default character encoding to use for non-UTF8 strings.


string $charset The default character encoding to use for non-UTF8 strings

Return Value

string The previous charset

string setIndentPad(string $pad)

Sets the indentation pad string.


string $pad A string that will be prepended to dumped lines, repeated by nesting level

Return Value

string The previous indent pad

dump(Data $data, callable|resource|string|true|null $output = null)

Dumps a Data object.


Data $data
callable|resource|string|true|null $output A line dumper callable, an opened stream, an output path or true to return the dump

protected dumpLine(int $depth, $endOfValue = false)

Dumps the current line.


int $depth The recursive depth in the dumped structure for the line being dumped, or -1 to signal the end-of-dump to the line dumper callable

protected echoLine(string $line, int $depth, string $indentPad)

Generic line dumper callback.


string $line The line to write
int $depth The recursive depth in the dumped structure
string $indentPad The line indent pad

protected string utf8Encode(string $s)

Converts a non-UTF-8 string to UTF-8.


string $s The non-UTF-8 string to convert

Return Value

string The string converted to UTF-8

setColors(bool $colors)

Enables/disables colored output.


bool $colors

setMaxStringWidth(int $maxStringWidth)

Sets the maximum number of characters per line for dumped strings.


int $maxStringWidth

setStyles(array $styles)

Configures styles.


array $styles A map of style names to style definitions

dumpScalar(Cursor $cursor, string $type, string|int|float|bool $value)

Dumps a scalar value.


Cursor $cursor The Cursor position in the dump
string $type The PHP type of the value being dumped
string|int|float|bool $value The scalar value being dumped

dumpString(Cursor $cursor, string $str, bool $bin, int $cut)

Dumps a string.


Cursor $cursor The Cursor position in the dump
string $str The string being dumped
bool $bin Whether $str is UTF-8 or binary encoded
int $cut The number of characters $str has been cut by

enterHash(Cursor $cursor, int $type, string $class, bool $hasChild)

Dumps while entering an hash.


Cursor $cursor The Cursor position in the dump
int $type A Cursor::HASH_* const for the type of hash
string $class The object class, resource type or array count
bool $hasChild When the dump of the hash has child item

leaveHash(Cursor $cursor, int $type, string $class, bool $hasChild, int $cut)

Dumps while leaving an hash.


Cursor $cursor The Cursor position in the dump
int $type A Cursor::HASH_* const for the type of hash
string $class The object class, resource type or array count
bool $hasChild When the dump of the hash has child item
int $cut The number of items the hash has been cut by

protected dumpEllipsis(Cursor $cursor, bool $hasChild, int $cut)

Dumps an ellipsis for cut children.


Cursor $cursor The Cursor position in the dump
bool $hasChild When the dump of the hash has child item
int $cut The number of items the hash has been cut by

protected dumpKey(Cursor $cursor)

Dumps a key in a hash structure.


Cursor $cursor The Cursor position in the dump

protected string style(string $style, string $value, array $attr = array())

Decorates a value with some style.


string $style The type of style being applied
string $value The value being styled
array $attr Optional context information

Return Value

string The value with style decoration

protected bool supportsColors()

Return Value

bool Tells if the current output stream supports ANSI colors or not

protected endValue(Cursor $cursor)


Cursor $cursor

© 2004–2017 Fabien Potencier
Licensed under the MIT License.