
/TensorFlow 1.15


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A LearningRateSchedule that uses a cosine decay schedule with restarts.

Inherits From: LearningRateSchedule

initial_learning_rate A scalar float32 or float64 Tensor or a Python number. The initial learning rate.
first_decay_steps A scalar int32 or int64 Tensor or a Python number. Number of steps to decay over.
t_mul A scalar float32 or float64 Tensor or a Python number. Used to derive the number of iterations in the i-th period
m_mul A scalar float32 or float64 Tensor or a Python number. Used to derive the initial learning rate of the i-th period:
alpha A scalar float32 or float64 Tensor or a Python number. Minimum learning rate value as a fraction of the initial_learning_rate.
name String. Optional name of the operation. Defaults to 'SGDRDecay'.



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Instantiates a LearningRateSchedule from its config.

config Output of get_config().
A LearningRateSchedule instance.


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Call self as a function.

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