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Layer normalization layer (Ba et al., 2016).
Inherits From: Layer
tf.keras.layers.LayerNormalization( axis=-1, epsilon=0.001, center=True, scale=True, beta_initializer='zeros', gamma_initializer='ones', beta_regularizer=None, gamma_regularizer=None, beta_constraint=None, gamma_constraint=None, trainable=True, name=None, **kwargs )
Normalize the activations of the previous layer for each given example in a batch independently, rather than across a batch like Batch Normalization. i.e. applies a transformation that maintains the mean activation within each example close to 0 and the activation standard deviation close to 1.
Arguments | |
axis | Integer or List/Tuple. The axis that should be normalized (typically the features axis). |
epsilon | Small float added to variance to avoid dividing by zero. |
center | If True, add offset of beta to normalized tensor. If False, beta is ignored. |
scale | If True, multiply by gamma . If False, gamma is not used. When the next layer is linear (also e.g. nn.relu ), this can be disabled since the scaling will be done by the next layer. |
beta_initializer | Initializer for the beta weight. |
gamma_initializer | Initializer for the gamma weight. |
beta_regularizer | Optional regularizer for the beta weight. |
gamma_regularizer | Optional regularizer for the gamma weight. |
beta_constraint | Optional constraint for the beta weight. |
gamma_constraint | Optional constraint for the gamma weight. |
trainable | Boolean, if True the variables will be marked as trainable. |
Arbitrary. Use the keyword argument input_shape
(tuple of integers, does not include the samples axis) when using this layer as the first layer in a model.
Same shape as input.
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