
/TensorFlow 2.4


Creates a sequence of numbers.

This operation creates a sequence of numbers that begins at start and extends by increments of delta up to but not including limit.

For example:

# 'start' is 3
# 'limit' is 18
# 'delta' is 3
tf.range(start, limit, delta) ==> [3, 6, 9, 12, 15]
start A Tensor. Must be one of the following types: bfloat16, half, float32, float64, int32, int64. 0-D (scalar). First entry in the sequence.
limit A Tensor. Must have the same type as start. 0-D (scalar). Upper limit of sequence, exclusive.
delta A Tensor. Must have the same type as start. 0-D (scalar). Optional. Default is 1. Number that increments start.
name A name for the operation (optional).
A Tensor. Has the same type as start.

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