
/TensorFlow 2.4


Computes the Short-time Fourier Transform of signals.

Implemented with TPU/GPU-compatible ops and supports gradients.

signals A [..., samples] float32/float64 Tensor of real-valued signals.
frame_length An integer scalar Tensor. The window length in samples.
frame_step An integer scalar Tensor. The number of samples to step.
fft_length An integer scalar Tensor. The size of the FFT to apply. If not provided, uses the smallest power of 2 enclosing frame_length.
window_fn A callable that takes a window length and a dtype keyword argument and returns a [window_length] Tensor of samples in the provided datatype. If set to None, no windowing is used.
pad_end Whether to pad the end of signals with zeros when the provided frame length and step produces a frame that lies partially past its end.
name An optional name for the operation.
A [..., frames, fft_unique_bins] Tensor of complex64/complex128 STFT values where fft_unique_bins is fft_length // 2 + 1 (the unique components of the FFT).
ValueError If signals is not at least rank 1, frame_length is not scalar, or frame_step is not scalar.

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