Converts each entry in the given tensor to strings.
tf.strings.as_string( input, precision=-1, scientific=False, shortest=False, width=-1, fill='', name=None )
Supports many numeric types and boolean.
For Unicode, see the tutorial.
tf.strings.as_string([3, 2]) <tf.Tensor: shape=(2,), dtype=string, numpy=array([b'3', b'2'], dtype=object)> tf.strings.as_string([3.1415926, 2.71828], precision=2).numpy() array([b'3.14', b'2.72'], dtype=object)
Args | |
input | A Tensor . Must be one of the following types: int8 , int16 , int32 , int64 , complex64 , complex128 , float32 , float64 , bool . |
precision | An optional int . Defaults to -1 . The post-decimal precision to use for floating point numbers. Only used if precision > -1. |
scientific | An optional bool . Defaults to False . Use scientific notation for floating point numbers. |
shortest | An optional bool . Defaults to False . Use shortest representation (either scientific or standard) for floating point numbers. |
width | An optional int . Defaults to -1 . Pad pre-decimal numbers to this width. Applies to both floating point and integer numbers. Only used if width > -1. |
fill | An optional string . Defaults to "" . The value to pad if width > -1. If empty, pads with spaces. Another typical value is '0'. String cannot be longer than 1 character. |
name | A name for the operation (optional). |
Returns | |
A Tensor of type string . |
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