
/TensorFlow Python


Class CheckpointableSaver

Defined in tensorflow/contrib/eager/python/checkpointable_utils.py.

Saves and restores a Checkpointable object and its dependencies.

See Checkpointable for details of dependency management. Saver wraps tf.train.Saver for saving, including extra information about the graph of dependencies between Python objects. When restoring, it uses this information about the save-time dependency graph to more robustly match objects with their checkpointed values. When executing eagerly, it supports restoring variables on object creation (see Saver.restore).

Values in a checkpoint are mapped to Checkpointable Python objects (Variables, Optimizers, Layers) based on the names provided when the checkpoint was written. To avoid breaking existing checkpoints when modifying a class, dependency names (the names of attributes to which Checkpointable objects are assigned) may not change. These names are local to objects, in contrast to the Variable.name-based save/restore from tf.train.Saver, and so allow additional program transformations.




Configure saving.


  • root_checkpointable: The root of the object graph to save/restore. This object and all of its dependencies are saved in the checkpoint. When restoring, objects are matched and restored starting from this root.



Restore a training checkpoint.

Restores root_checkpointable and any objects that it tracks (transitive). Either assigns values immediately if variables to restore have been created already, or defers restoration until the variables are created. Dependencies added to the root_checkpointable passed to the constructor after this call will be matched if they have a corresponding object in the checkpoint.

When building a graph, restorations are added to the graph but not run.

To disallow deferred loading, assert immediately that all checkpointed variables have been matched to variable objects:

saver = Saver(root)

An exception will be raised unless every object was matched and its variables already exist.

When graph building, assert_consumed() indicates that all of the restore ops which will be created for this checkpoint have been created. They can be run via the run_restore_ops() function of the status object:


If the checkpoint has not been consumed completely, then the list of restore ops will grow as more objects are added to the dependency graph.

Name-based tf.train.Saver checkpoints can be loaded using this method. There is no deferred loading, and names are used to match variables. No restore ops are created/run until run_restore_ops() or initialize_or_restore() are called on the returned status object, even when executing eagerly. Re-encode name-based checkpoints using this object-based Saver.save as soon as possible.


  • save_path: The path to the checkpoint, as returned by save or tf.train.latest_checkpoint. If None (as when there is no latest checkpoint for tf.train.latest_checkpoint to return), returns an object which may run initializers for objects in the dependency graph. If the checkpoint was written by the name-based tf.train.Saver, names are used to match variables.


A load status object, which can be used to make assertions about the status of checkpoint restoration and run initialization/restore ops (of type CheckpointLoadStatus, or InitializationOnlyStatus if save_path is None).

If save_path points to a name-based checkpoint, a NameBasedSaverStatus object is returned which runs restore ops from a name-based saver.



Save a training checkpoint.

The saved checkpoint includes variables created by this object and any Checkpointable objects it depends on at the time Saver.save() is called.


  • file_prefix: A prefix to use for the checkpoint filenames (/path/to/directory/and_a_prefix). Names are generated based on this prefix and checkpoint_number, if provided.
  • checkpoint_number: An integer variable or Tensor, used to number checkpoints. Typically this value is saved along with other variables in training checkpoints, which will happen automatically if it was created by root_checkpointable or one of its dependencies (via Checkpointable._add_variable).
  • session: The session to evaluate variables in. Ignored when executing eagerly. If not provided when graph building, the default session is used.


The full path to the checkpoint.

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