
/TensorFlow Python

Module: tf.nn.rnn_cell

Defined in tensorflow/tools/api/generator/api/nn/rnn_cell/__init__.py.

Imports for Python API.

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class BasicLSTMCell: Basic LSTM recurrent network cell.

class BasicRNNCell: The most basic RNN cell.

class DeviceWrapper: Operator that ensures an RNNCell runs on a particular device.

class DropoutWrapper: Operator adding dropout to inputs and outputs of the given cell.

class GRUCell: Gated Recurrent Unit cell (cf. http://arxiv.org/abs/1406.1078).

class LSTMCell: Long short-term memory unit (LSTM) recurrent network cell.

class LSTMStateTuple: Tuple used by LSTM Cells for state_size, zero_state, and output state.

class MultiRNNCell: RNN cell composed sequentially of multiple simple cells.

class RNNCell: Abstract object representing an RNN cell.

class ResidualWrapper: RNNCell wrapper that ensures cell inputs are added to the outputs.

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