Uses | Description |
wp-includes/functions.php: wp_nonce_field() | Retrieve or display nonce hidden field for forms. |
Displays the comments table.
Overrides the parent display() method to render extra comments.
File: wp-admin/includes/class-wp-comments-list-table.php
public function display() { wp_nonce_field( 'fetch-list-' . get_class( $this ), '_ajax_fetch_list_nonce' ); static $has_items; if ( ! isset( $has_items ) ) { $has_items = $this->has_items(); if ( $has_items ) { $this->display_tablenav( 'top' ); } } $this->screen->render_screen_reader_content( 'heading_list' ); ?> <table class="wp-list-table <?php echo implode( ' ', $this->get_table_classes() ); ?>"> <thead> <tr> <?php $this->print_column_headers(); ?> </tr> </thead> <tbody id="the-comment-list" data-wp-lists="list:comment"> <?php $this->display_rows_or_placeholder(); ?> </tbody> <tbody id="the-extra-comment-list" data-wp-lists="list:comment" style="display: none;"> <?php /* * Back up the items to restore after printing the extra items markup. * The extra items may be empty, which will prevent the table nav from displaying later. */ $items = $this->items; $this->items = $this->extra_items; $this->display_rows_or_placeholder(); $this->items = $items; ?> </tbody> <tfoot> <tr> <?php $this->print_column_headers( false ); ?> </tr> </tfoot> </table> <?php $this->display_tablenav( 'bottom' ); }
Version | Description |
3.1.0 | Introduced. |
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