Uses | Description |
wp-includes/wp-db.php: wpdb::load_col_info() | Loads the column metadata from the last query. |
Retrieves column metadata from the last query.
(string) (Optional) Possible values include 'name', 'table', 'def', 'max_length', 'not_null', 'primary_key', 'multiple_key', 'unique_key', 'numeric', 'blob', 'type', 'unsigned', 'zerofill'.
Default value: 'name'
(int) (Optional) 0: col name. 1: which table the col's in. 2: col's max length. 3: if the col is numeric. 4: col's type.
Default value: -1
(mixed) Column results.
File: wp-includes/wp-db.php
public function get_col_info( $info_type = 'name', $col_offset = -1 ) { $this->load_col_info(); if ( $this->col_info ) { if ( -1 === $col_offset ) { $i = 0; $new_array = array(); foreach ( (array) $this->col_info as $col ) { $new_array[ $i ] = $col->{$info_type}; $i++; } return $new_array; } else { return $this->col_info[ $col_offset ]->{$info_type}; } } }
Version | Description |
0.71 | Introduced. |
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