Uses | Description |
wp-includes/theme.php: get_header_image_tag | Filters the markup of header images. |
wp-includes/media.php: wp_calculate_image_srcset() | A helper function to calculate the image sources to include in a ‘srcset’ attribute. |
wp-includes/media.php: wp_calculate_image_sizes() | Creates a ‘sizes’ attribute value for an image. |
wp-includes/theme.php: get_custom_header() | Gets the header image data. |
wp-includes/theme.php: get_header_image() | Retrieves header image for custom header. |
wp-includes/general-template.php: get_bloginfo() | Retrieves information about the current site. |
wp-includes/functions.php: absint() | Convert a value to non-negative integer. |
wp-includes/functions.php: wp_parse_args() | Merge user defined arguments into defaults array. |
wp-includes/plugin.php: apply_filters() | Calls the callback functions that have been added to a filter hook. |
wp-includes/post.php: get_post_meta() | Retrieves a post meta field for the given post ID. |