Uses | Description |
wp-includes/category-template.php: get_the_terms() | Retrieves the terms of the taxonomy that are attached to the post. |
wp-includes/theme.php: current_theme_supports() | Checks a theme’s support for a given feature. |
wp-includes/formatting.php: sanitize_html_class() | Sanitizes an HTML classname to ensure it only contains valid characters. |
wp-includes/query.php: is_attachment() | Determines whether the query is for an existing attachment page. |
wp-includes/query.php: is_paged() | Determines whether the query is for a paged result and not for the first page. |
wp-includes/query.php: is_home() | Determines whether the query is for the blog homepage. |
wp-includes/load.php: is_admin() | Determines whether the current request is for an administrative interface page. |
wp-includes/taxonomy.php: is_object_in_taxonomy() | Determine if the given object type is associated with the given taxonomy. |
wp-includes/taxonomy.php: get_taxonomies() | Retrieves a list of registered taxonomy names or objects. |
wp-includes/plugin.php: apply_filters() | Calls the callback functions that have been added to a filter hook. |
wp-includes/post-thumbnail-template.php: has_post_thumbnail() | Determines whether a post has an image attached. |
wp-includes/post-template.php: post_password_required() | Whether post requires password and correct password has been provided. |
wp-includes/post-template.php: post_class | Filters the list of CSS class names for the current post. |
wp-includes/post.php: is_sticky() | Determines whether a post is sticky. |
wp-includes/post.php: post_type_supports() | Check a post type’s support for a given feature. |
wp-includes/post.php: get_post() | Retrieves post data given a post ID or post object. |
wp-includes/post-formats.php: get_post_format() | Retrieve the format slug for a post |
wp-includes/load.php: is_wp_error() | Check whether variable is a WordPress Error. |