wp-admin/includes/class-wp-posts-list-table.php: WP_Posts_List_Table::formats_dropdown() | Displays a formats drop-down for filtering items. |
wp-admin/includes/post.php: taxonomy_meta_box_sanitize_cb_input() | Sanitizes POST values from an input taxonomy metabox. |
wp-includes/rest-api/endpoints/class-wp-rest-terms-controller.php: WP_REST_Terms_Controller::get_items() | Retrieves terms associated with a taxonomy. |
wp-includes/class-wp-term-query.php: WP_Term_Query::get_terms() | Get terms, based on query_vars. |
wp-includes/class-wp-customize-nav-menus.php: WP_Customize_Nav_Menus::search_available_items_query() | Performs post queries for available-item searching. |
wp-includes/class-wp-customize-nav-menus.php: WP_Customize_Nav_Menus::load_available_items_query() | Performs the post_type and taxonomy queries for loading available menu items. |
wp-admin/includes/export.php: export_wp() | Generates the WXR export file for download. |
wp-admin/includes/template.php: wp_terms_checklist() | Output an unordered list of checkbox input elements labelled with term names. |
wp-admin/includes/template.php: wp_popular_terms_checklist() | Retrieve a list of the most popular terms from the specified taxonomy. |
wp-admin/includes/template.php: wp_link_category_checklist() | Outputs a link category checklist element. |
wp-admin/includes/ajax-actions.php: wp_ajax_get_tagcloud() | Ajax handler for getting a tagcloud. |
wp-admin/includes/ajax-actions.php: wp_ajax_ajax_tag_search() | Ajax handler for tag search. |
wp-admin/includes/class-wp-terms-list-table.php: WP_Terms_List_Table::display_rows_or_placeholder() | |
wp-admin/includes/nav-menu.php: _wp_ajax_menu_quick_search() | Prints the appropriate response to a menu quick search. |
wp-admin/includes/nav-menu.php: wp_nav_menu_item_taxonomy_meta_box() | Displays a meta box for a taxonomy menu item. |
wp-includes/class-walker-category.php: Walker_Category::start_el() | Starts the element output. |
wp-includes/category-template.php: wp_tag_cloud() | Displays a tag cloud. |
wp-includes/category-template.php: wp_dropdown_categories() | Displays or retrieves the HTML dropdown list of categories. |
wp-includes/category.php: get_tags() | Retrieves all post tags. |
wp-includes/category.php: get_categories() | Retrieves a list of category objects. |
wp-includes/category.php: get_category_by_path() | Retrieves a category based on URL containing the category slug. |
wp-includes/deprecated.php: get_all_category_ids() | Retrieves all category IDs. |
wp-includes/widgets/class-wp-widget-links.php: WP_Widget_Links::form() | Outputs the settings form for the Links widget. |
wp-includes/taxonomy.php: _get_term_hierarchy() | Retrieves children of taxonomy as Term IDs. |
wp-includes/taxonomy.php: wp_get_object_terms() | Retrieves the terms associated with the given object(s), in the supplied taxonomies. |
wp-includes/taxonomy.php: wp_insert_term() | Add a new term to the database. |
wp-includes/taxonomy.php: wp_count_terms() | Count how many terms are in Taxonomy. |
wp-includes/taxonomy.php: get_term_by() | Get all Term data from database by Term field and data. |
wp-includes/bookmark-template.php: wp_list_bookmarks() | Retrieve or echo all of the bookmarks. |
wp-includes/nav-menu.php: wp_get_nav_menus() | Returns all navigation menu objects. |
wp-includes/nav-menu.php: wp_get_nav_menu_items() | Retrieves all menu items of a navigation menu. |
wp-includes/class-wp-xmlrpc-server.php: wp_xmlrpc_server::wp_getTerms() | Retrieve all terms for a taxonomy. |
wp-includes/class-wp-xmlrpc-server.php: wp_xmlrpc_server::_insert_post() | Helper method for wp_newPost() and wp_editPost(), containing shared logic. |