Uses | Description |
wp-includes/l10n.php: __() | Retrieve the translation of $text. |
wp-includes/formatting.php: is_email() | Verifies that an email is valid. |
wp-includes/pluggable.php: wp_check_password() | Checks the plaintext password against the encrypted Password. |
wp-includes/pluggable.php: get_user_by() | Retrieve user info by a given field |
wp-includes/general-template.php: wp_lostpassword_url() | Returns the URL that allows the user to retrieve the lost password |
wp-includes/plugin.php: apply_filters() | Calls the callback functions that have been added to a filter hook. |
wp-includes/user.php: wp_authenticate_user | Filters whether the given user can be authenticated with the provided $password. |
wp-includes/load.php: is_wp_error() | Check whether variable is a WordPress Error. |
wp-includes/class-wp-error.php: WP_Error::__construct() | Initialize the error. |