

wp_tag_cloud( array|string $args = '' )

Displays a tag cloud.


Outputs a list of tags in what is called a ‘tag cloud’, where the size of each tag is determined by how many times that particular tag has been assigned to posts.



(array|string) (Optional) Array or string of arguments for displaying a tag cloud. See wp_generate_tag_cloud() and get_terms() for the full lists of arguments that can be passed in $args.

  • 'number'
    (int) The number of tags to display. Accepts any positive integer or zero to return all. Default 0 (all tags).
  • 'link'
    (string) Whether to display term editing links or term permalinks. Accepts 'edit' and 'view'. Default 'view'.
  • 'post_type'
    (string) The post type. Used to highlight the proper post type menu on the linked edit page. Defaults to the first post type associated with the taxonomy.
  • 'echo'
    (bool) Whether or not to echo the return value. Default true.

Default value: ''


(void|string|array) Void if 'echo' argument is true, or on failure. Otherwise, tag cloud as a string or an array, depending on 'format' argument.


File: wp-includes/category-template.php

function wp_tag_cloud( $args = '' ) {
	$defaults = array(
		'smallest'   => 8,
		'largest'    => 22,
		'unit'       => 'pt',
		'number'     => 45,
		'format'     => 'flat',
		'separator'  => "\n",
		'orderby'    => 'name',
		'order'      => 'ASC',
		'exclude'    => '',
		'include'    => '',
		'link'       => 'view',
		'taxonomy'   => 'post_tag',
		'post_type'  => '',
		'echo'       => true,
		'show_count' => 0,

	$args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults );

	$tags = get_terms(
				'orderby' => 'count',
				'order'   => 'DESC',
	); // Always query top tags.

	if ( empty( $tags ) || is_wp_error( $tags ) ) {

	foreach ( $tags as $key => $tag ) {
		if ( 'edit' === $args['link'] ) {
			$link = get_edit_term_link( $tag->term_id, $tag->taxonomy, $args['post_type'] );
		} else {
			$link = get_term_link( intval( $tag->term_id ), $tag->taxonomy );

		if ( is_wp_error( $link ) ) {

		$tags[ $key ]->link = $link;
		$tags[ $key ]->id   = $tag->term_id;

	// Here's where those top tags get sorted according to $args.
	$return = wp_generate_tag_cloud( $tags, $args );

	 * Filters the tag cloud output.
	 * @since 2.3.0
	 * @param string|array $return Tag cloud as a string or an array, depending on 'format' argument.
	 * @param array        $args   An array of tag cloud arguments.
	$return = apply_filters( 'wp_tag_cloud', $return, $args );

	if ( 'array' === $args['format'] || empty( $args['echo'] ) ) {
		return $return;

	echo $return;


Version Description
4.8.0 Added the show_count argument.
2.8.0 Added the taxonomy argument.
2.3.0 Introduced.

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