
/Yii 2.0

Class yii\rest\UrlRule

Inheritance yii\rest\UrlRule » yii\web\CompositeUrlRule » yii\base\Object
Implements yii\base\Configurable, yii\web\UrlRuleInterface
Available since version 2.0
Source Code https://github.com/yiisoft/yii2/blob/master/framework/rest/UrlRule.php

UrlRule is provided to simplify the creation of URL rules for RESTful API support.

The simplest usage of UrlRule is to declare a rule like the following in the application configuration,

    'class' => 'yii\rest\UrlRule',
    'controller' => 'user',

The above code will create a whole set of URL rules supporting the following RESTful API endpoints:

  • 'PUT,PATCH users/<id>' => 'user/update': update a user
  • 'DELETE users/<id>' => 'user/delete': delete a user
  • 'GET,HEAD users/<id>' => 'user/view': return the details/overview/options of a user
  • 'POST users' => 'user/create': create a new user
  • 'GET,HEAD users' => 'user/index': return a list/overview/options of users
  • 'users/<id>' => 'user/options': process all unhandled verbs of a user
  • 'users' => 'user/options': process all unhandled verbs of user collection

You may configure $only and/or $except to disable some of the above rules. You may configure $patterns to completely redefine your own list of rules. You may configure $controller with multiple controller IDs to generate rules for all these controllers. For example, the following code will disable the delete rule and generate rules for both user and post controllers:

    'class' => 'yii\rest\UrlRule',
    'controller' => ['user', 'post'],
    'except' => ['delete'],

The property $controller is required and should represent one or multiple controller IDs. Each controller ID should be prefixed with the module ID if the controller is within a module. The controller ID used in the pattern will be automatically pluralized (e.g. user becomes users as shown in the above examples).

For more details and usage information on UrlRule, see the guide article on rest routing.

Public Properties

Property Type Description Defined By
$controller string|array The controller ID (e.g. user, post-comment) that the rules in this composite rule are dealing with. yii\rest\UrlRule
$createUrlStatus null|integer Status of the URL creation after the last createUrl() call. yii\web\CompositeUrlRule
$except array List of actions that should be excluded. yii\rest\UrlRule
$extraPatterns array Patterns for supporting extra actions in addition to those listed in $patterns. yii\rest\UrlRule
$only array List of acceptable actions. yii\rest\UrlRule
$patterns array List of possible patterns and the corresponding actions for creating the URL rules. yii\rest\UrlRule
$pluralize boolean Whether to automatically pluralize the URL names for controllers. yii\rest\UrlRule
$prefix string The common prefix string shared by all patterns. yii\rest\UrlRule
$ruleConfig array The default configuration for creating each URL rule contained by this rule. yii\rest\UrlRule
$suffix string The suffix that will be assigned to yii\web\UrlRule::$suffix for every generated rule. yii\rest\UrlRule
$tokens array List of tokens that should be replaced for each pattern. yii\rest\UrlRule

Protected Properties

Property Type Description Defined By
$createStatus integer|null Status of the URL creation after the last createUrl() call. yii\web\CompositeUrlRule
$rules yii\web\UrlRuleInterface[] The URL rules contained in this composite rule. yii\web\CompositeUrlRule

Public Methods

Method Description Defined By
__call() Calls the named method which is not a class method. yii\base\Object
__construct() Constructor. yii\base\Object
__get() Returns the value of an object property. yii\base\Object
__isset() Checks if a property is set, i.e. defined and not null. yii\base\Object
__set() Sets value of an object property. yii\base\Object
__unset() Sets an object property to null. yii\base\Object
canGetProperty() Returns a value indicating whether a property can be read. yii\base\Object
canSetProperty() Returns a value indicating whether a property can be set. yii\base\Object
className() Returns the fully qualified name of this class. yii\base\Object
createUrl() Creates a URL according to the given route and parameters. yii\rest\UrlRule
getCreateUrlStatus() Returns status of the URL creation after the last createUrl() call. yii\web\CompositeUrlRule
hasMethod() Returns a value indicating whether a method is defined. yii\base\Object
hasProperty() Returns a value indicating whether a property is defined. yii\base\Object
init() Initializes the object. yii\rest\UrlRule
parseRequest() Parses the given request and returns the corresponding route and parameters. yii\rest\UrlRule

Protected Methods

Method Description Defined By
createRule() Creates a URL rule using the given pattern and action. yii\rest\UrlRule
createRules() Creates the URL rules that should be contained within this composite rule. yii\rest\UrlRule
iterateRules() Iterates through specified rules and calls createUrl() for each of them. yii\web\CompositeUrlRule

Property Details

$controller public property

The controller ID (e.g. user, post-comment) that the rules in this composite rule are dealing with. It should be prefixed with the module ID if the controller is within a module (e.g. admin/user).

By default, the controller ID will be pluralized automatically when it is put in the patterns of the generated rules. If you want to explicitly specify how the controller ID should appear in the patterns, you may use an array with the array key being as the controller ID in the pattern, and the array value the actual controller ID. For example, ['u' => 'user'].

You may also pass multiple controller IDs as an array. If this is the case, this composite rule will generate applicable URL rules for EVERY specified controller. For example, ['user', 'post'].

public string|array $controller = null

$except public property

List of actions that should be excluded. Any action found in this array will NOT have its URL rules created.

See also $patterns.

public array $except = []

$extraPatterns public property

Patterns for supporting extra actions in addition to those listed in $patterns. The keys are the patterns and the values are the corresponding action IDs. These extra patterns will take precedence over $patterns.

public array $extraPatterns = []

$only public property

List of acceptable actions. If not empty, only the actions within this array will have the corresponding URL rules created.

See also $patterns.

public array $only = []

$patterns public property

List of possible patterns and the corresponding actions for creating the URL rules. The keys are the patterns and the values are the corresponding actions. The format of patterns is Verbs Pattern, where Verbs stands for a list of HTTP verbs separated by comma (without space). If Verbs is not specified, it means all verbs are allowed. Pattern is optional. It will be prefixed with $prefix/$controller/, and tokens in it will be replaced by $tokens.

public array $patterns = ['PUT,PATCH {id}' => 'update', 'DELETE {id}' => 'delete', 'GET,HEAD {id}' => 'view', 'POST' => 'create', 'GET,HEAD' => 'index', '{id}' => 'options', '' => 'options']

$pluralize public property

Whether to automatically pluralize the URL names for controllers. If true, a controller ID will appear in plural form in URLs. For example, user controller will appear as users in URLs.

See also $controller.

public boolean $pluralize = true

$prefix public property

The common prefix string shared by all patterns.

public string $prefix = null

$ruleConfig public property

The default configuration for creating each URL rule contained by this rule.

public array $ruleConfig = ['class' => 'yii\web\UrlRule']

$suffix public property

The suffix that will be assigned to yii\web\UrlRule::$suffix for every generated rule.

public string $suffix = null

$tokens public property

List of tokens that should be replaced for each pattern. The keys are the token names, and the values are the corresponding replacements.

See also $patterns.

public array $tokens = ['{id}' => '<id:\\d[\\d,]*>']

Method Details

createRule() protected method

Creates a URL rule using the given pattern and action.

protected yii\web\UrlRuleInterface createRule ( $pattern, $prefix, $action )
$pattern string
$prefix string
$action string

createRules() protected method

Creates the URL rules that should be contained within this composite rule.

protected yii\web\UrlRuleInterface[] createRules ( )
return yii\web\UrlRuleInterface[]

The URL rules

createUrl() public method

Creates a URL according to the given route and parameters.

public string|boolean createUrl ( $manager, $route, $params )
$manager yii\web\UrlManager

The URL manager

$route string

The route. It should not have slashes at the beginning or the end.

$params array

The parameters

return string|boolean

The created URL, or false if this rule cannot be used for creating this URL.

init() public method

Initializes the object.

This method is invoked at the end of the constructor after the object is initialized with the given configuration.

public void init ( )

parseRequest() public method

Parses the given request and returns the corresponding route and parameters.

public array|boolean parseRequest ( $manager, $request )
$manager yii\web\UrlManager

The URL manager

$request yii\web\Request

The request component

return array|boolean

The parsing result. The route and the parameters are returned as an array. If false, it means this rule cannot be used to parse this path info.

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