
/Angular 12



Constants for the categories of parameters that can be defined for animations.

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enum AnimationMetadataType {
  State: 0
  Transition: 1
  Sequence: 2
  Group: 3
  Animate: 4
  Keyframes: 5
  Style: 6
  Trigger: 7
  Reference: 8
  AnimateChild: 9
  AnimateRef: 10
  Query: 11
  Stagger: 12


A corresponding function defines a set of parameters for each category, and collects them into a corresponding AnimationMetadata object.


Member Description
State: 0

Associates a named animation state with a set of CSS styles. See state()

Transition: 1

Data for a transition from one animation state to another. See transition()

Sequence: 2

Contains a set of animation steps. See sequence()

Group: 3

Contains a set of animation steps. See group()

Animate: 4

Contains an animation step. See animate()

Keyframes: 5

Contains a set of animation steps. See keyframes()

Style: 6

Contains a set of CSS property-value pairs into a named style. See style()

Trigger: 7

Associates an animation with an entry trigger that can be attached to an element. See trigger()

Reference: 8

Contains a re-usable animation. See animation()

AnimateChild: 9

Contains data to use in executing child animations returned by a query. See animateChild()

AnimateRef: 10

Contains animation parameters for a re-usable animation. See useAnimation()

Query: 11

Contains child-animation query data. See query()

Stagger: 12

Contains data for staggering an animation sequence. See stagger()

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