
/CakePHP 4.1

Class I18n

I18n handles translation of Text and time format strings.

Namespace: Cake\I18n

Constants summary

  • string

Properties summary

  • $_collection protected static

    The translators collection

  • $_defaultLocale protected static

    The environment default locale

Method Summary

  • clear() public static

    Destroys all translator instances and creates a new empty translations collection.

  • config() public static

    Registers a callable object that can be used for creating new translator instances for the same translations domain. Loaders will be invoked whenever a translator object is requested for a domain that has not been configured or loaded already.

  • getDefaultFormatter() public static

    Returns the currently configured default formatter.

  • getDefaultLocale() public static

    Returns the default locale.

  • getLocale() public static

    Will return the currently configure locale as stored in the intl.default_locale PHP setting.

  • getTranslator() public static

    Returns an instance of a translator that was configured for the name and locale.

  • setDefaultFormatter() public static

    Sets the name of the default messages formatter to use for future translator instances. By default the default and sprintf formatters are available.

  • setLocale() public static

    Sets the default locale to use for future translator instances.

  • setTranslator() public static

    Sets a translator.

  • translators() public static

    Returns the translators collection instance. It can be used for getting specific translators based of their name and locale or to configure some aspect of future translations that are not yet constructed.

  • useFallback() public static

    Set if the domain fallback is used.

Method Detail

clear() public static


Destroys all translator instances and creates a new empty translations collection.

config() public static

config(string $name, callable $loader)

Registers a callable object that can be used for creating new translator instances for the same translations domain. Loaders will be invoked whenever a translator object is requested for a domain that has not been configured or loaded already.

Registering loaders is useful when you need to lazily use translations in multiple different locales for the same domain, and don't want to use the built-in translation service based of gettext files.

Loader objects will receive two arguments: The domain name that needs to be built, and the locale that is requested. These objects can assemble the messages from any source, but must return an Aura\Intl\Package object.


use Cake\I18n\MessagesFileLoader;
 I18n::config('my_domain', function ($name, $locale) {
     // Load resources/locales/$locale/filename.po
     $fileLoader = new MessagesFileLoader('filename', $locale, 'po');
     return $fileLoader();

You can also assemble the package object yourself:

use Aura\Intl\Package;
 I18n::config('my_domain', function ($name, $locale) {
     $package = new Package('default');
     $messages = (...); // Fetch messages for locale from external service.
     return $package;


string $name

The name of the translator to create a loader for

callable $loader

A callable object that should return a Package instance to be used for assembling a new translator.

getDefaultFormatter() public static


Returns the currently configured default formatter.



The name of the formatter.

getDefaultLocale() public static


Returns the default locale.

This returns the default locale before any modifications, i.e. the value as stored in the intl.default_locale PHP setting before any manipulation by this class.



getLocale() public static


Will return the currently configure locale as stored in the intl.default_locale PHP setting.



The name of the default locale.

getTranslator() public static

getTranslator(string $name, ?string $locale)

Returns an instance of a translator that was configured for the name and locale.

If no locale is passed then it takes the value returned by the getLocale() method.


string $name optional

The domain of the translation messages.

string|null $locale optional

The locale for the translator.



The configured translator.



setDefaultFormatter() public static

setDefaultFormatter(string $name)

Sets the name of the default messages formatter to use for future translator instances. By default the default and sprintf formatters are available.


string $name

The name of the formatter to use.

setLocale() public static

setLocale(string $locale)

Sets the default locale to use for future translator instances.

This also affects the intl.default_locale PHP setting.


string $locale

The name of the locale to set as default.

setTranslator() public static

setTranslator(string $name, callable $loader, ?string $locale)

Sets a translator.

Configures future translators, this is achieved by passing a callable as the last argument of this function.


I18n::setTranslator('default', function () {
     $package = new \Aura\Intl\Package();
         'Cake' => 'Gâteau'
     return $package;
 }, 'fr_FR');

 $translator = I18n::getTranslator('default', 'fr_FR');
 echo $translator->translate('Cake');

You can also use the Cake\I18n\MessagesFileLoader class to load a specific file from a folder. For example for loading a my_translations.po file from the resources/locales/custom folder, you would do:

 new MessagesFileLoader('my_translations', 'custom', 'po'),


string $name

The domain of the translation messages.

callable $loader

A callback function or callable class responsible for constructing a translations package instance.

string|null $locale optional

The locale for the translator.

translators() public static


Returns the translators collection instance. It can be used for getting specific translators based of their name and locale or to configure some aspect of future translations that are not yet constructed.



The translators collection.

useFallback() public static

useFallback(bool $enable)

Set if the domain fallback is used.


bool $enable optional

flag to enable or disable fallback

Property Detail

$_collection protected static

The translators collection



$_defaultLocale protected static

The environment default locale



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