

class OptionParser


OptionParser is a class for command-line options processing. It supports:

  • Short and long modifier style options (example: -h, --help)
  • Passing arguments to the flags (example: -f filename.txt)
  • Subcommands
  • Automatic help message generation

Run crystal for an example of a CLI built with OptionParser.

Short example:

require "option_parser"

upcase = false
destination = "World"

OptionParser.parse do |parser|
  parser.banner = "Usage: salute [arguments]"
  parser.on("-u", "--upcase", "Upcases the salute") { upcase = true }
  parser.on("-t NAME", "--to=NAME", "Specifies the name to salute") { |name| destination = name }
  parser.on("-h", "--help", "Show this help") do
    puts parser
  parser.invalid_option do |flag|
    STDERR.puts "ERROR: #{flag} is not a valid option."
    STDERR.puts parser

destination = destination.upcase if upcase
puts "Hello #{destination}!"


OptionParser also supports subcommands.

Short example:

require "option_parser"

verbose = false
salute = false
welcome = false
name = "World"
parser = OptionParser.new do |parser|
  parser.banner = "Usage: example [subcommand] [arguments]"
  parser.on("salute", "Salute a name") do
    salute = true
    parser.banner = "Usage: example salute [arguments]"
    parser.on("-t NAME", "--to=NAME", "Specify the name to salute") { |_name| name = _name }
  parser.on("welcome", "Print a greeting message") do
    welcome = true
    parser.banner = "Usage: example welcome"
  parser.on("-v", "--verbose", "Enabled servose output") { verbose = true }
  parser.on("-h", "--help", "Show this help") do
    puts parser


if salute
  STDERR.puts "Saluting #{name}" if verbose
  puts "Hello #{name}"
elsif welcome
  STDERR.puts "Welcoming #{name}" if verbose
  puts "Welcome!"
  puts parser

Defined in:



Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def self.newSource

Creates a new parser.

def self.new(&)Source

Creates a new parser, with its configuration specified in the block.

def self.parse(args = ARGV, &) : selfSource

Creates a new parser, with its configuration specified in the block, and uses it to parse the passed args (defaults to ARGV).

def self.parse!(&) : selfSource

DEPRECATED Use #parse instead.

Instance Method Detail

def banner=(banner : String?)Source

Establishes the initial message for the help printout. Typically, you want to write here the name of your program, and a one-line template of its invocation.


require "option_parser"

parser = OptionParser.new
parser.banner = "Usage: crystal [command] [switches] [program file] [--] [arguments]"

def before_each(&before_each : String -> )Source

Sets a handler which runs before each argument is parsed. This callback is not passed flag arguments. For example, --foo=foo_arg --bar bar_arg would pass --foo=foo_arg and --bar to the callback only.

You typically use this to implement advanced option parsing behaviour such as treating all options after a filename differently (along with #stop).

def invalid_option(&invalid_option : String -> )Source

Sets a handler for option arguments that didn't match any of the setup options.

You typically use this to display a help message. The default behaviour is to raise InvalidOption.

def missing_option(&missing_option : String -> )Source

Sets a handler for when a option that expects an argument wasn't given any.

You typically use this to display a help message. The default behaviour is to raise MissingOption.

def on(short_flag : String, long_flag : String, description : String, &block : String -> )Source

Establishes a handler for a pair of short and long flags.

See the other definition of #on for examples. This method does not support subcommands.

def on(flag : String, description : String, &block : String -> )Source

Establishes a handler for a flag or subcommand.

Flags must start with a dash or double dash. They can also have an optional argument, which will get passed to the block. Each flag has a description, which will be used for the help message.

Subcommands are any flag passed which does not start with a dash. They cannot take arguments. When a subcommand is parsed, all subcommands are removed from the OptionParser, simulating a "tree" of subcommands. All flags remain valid. For a longer example, see the examples at the top of the page.

Examples of valid flags:

  • -a, -B
  • --something-longer
  • -f FILE, --file FILE, --file=FILE (these will yield the passed value to the block as a string)

Examples of valid subcommands:

  • foo, run

def parse(args = ARGV)Source

Parses the passed args (defaults to ARGV), running the handlers associated to each option.

def parse!Source

DEPRECATED Use #parse instead.

def separator(message = "")Source

Adds a separator, with an optional header message, that will be used to print the help. The seperator is placed between the flags registered (#on) before, and the flags registered after the call.

This way, you can group the different options in an easier to read way.

def stopSource

Stops the current parse and returns immediately, leaving the remaining flags unparsed. This is treated identically to -- being inserted behind the current parsed flag.

def to_s(io : IO) : NilSource

Returns all the setup options, formatted in a help message.

def unknown_args(&unknown_args : Array(String), Array(String) -> )Source

Sets a handler for regular arguments that didn't match any of the setup options.

You typically use this to get the main arguments (not modifiers) that your program expects (for example, filenames). The default behaviour is to do nothing. The arguments can also be extracted from the args array passed to #parse after parsing.

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