

struct Pointer(T)


A typed pointer to some memory.

This is the only unsafe type in Crystal. If you are using a pointer, you are writing unsafe code because a pointer doesn't know where it's pointing to nor how much memory starting from it is valid. However, pointers make it possible to interface with C and to implement efficient data structures. For example, both Array and Hash are implemented using pointers.

You can obtain pointers in four ways: #new, #malloc, pointerof and by calling a C function that returns a pointer.

pointerof(x), where x is a variable or an instance variable, returns a pointer to that variable:

x = 1
ptr = pointerof(x)
ptr.value = 2
x # => 2

Note that a pointer is falsey if it's null (if its address is zero).

When calling a C function that expects a pointer you can also pass nil instead of using Pointer.null to construct a null pointer.

For a safe alternative, see Slice, which is a pointer with a size and with bounds checking.

Included Modules

Defined in:



Class Method Summary

  • .malloc(size : Int, value : T)

    Allocates size * sizeof(T) bytes from the system's heap initialized to value and returns a pointer to the first byte from that memory.

  • .malloc(size : UInt64)

    Allocates size * sizeof(T) bytes from the system's heap initialized to zero and returns a pointer to the first byte from that memory.

  • .malloc(size : Int = 1)

    Allocates size * sizeof(T) bytes from the system's heap initialized to zero and returns a pointer to the first byte from that memory.

  • .malloc(size : Int, &block : Int32 -> T)

    Allocates size * sizeof(T) bytes from the system's heap initialized to the value returned by the block (which is invoked once with each index in the range 0...size) and returns a pointer to the first byte from that memory.

  • .null

    Returns a pointer whose memory address is zero.

Instance Method Summary

Constructor Detail

def self.new(address : UInt64)Source

Returns a pointer that points to the given memory address. This doesn't allocate memory.

ptr = Pointer(Int32).new(5678_u64)
ptr.address # => 5678

def self.new(address : Int)Source

Returns a pointer that points to the given memory address. This doesn't allocate memory.

ptr = Pointer(Int32).new(5678)
ptr.address # => 5678

def self.newSource

Class Method Detail

def self.malloc(size : Int, value : T)Source

Allocates size * sizeof(T) bytes from the system's heap initialized to value and returns a pointer to the first byte from that memory. The memory is allocated by the GC, so when there are no pointers to this memory, it will be automatically freed.

# An Int32 occupies 4 bytes, so here we are requesting 8 bytes
# initialized to the number 42
ptr = Pointer.malloc(2, 42)
ptr[0] # => 42
ptr[1] # => 42

def self.malloc(size : UInt64)Source

Allocates size * sizeof(T) bytes from the system's heap initialized to zero and returns a pointer to the first byte from that memory. The memory is allocated by the GC, so when there are no pointers to this memory, it will be automatically freed.

# Allocate memory for an Int32: 4 bytes
ptr = Pointer(Int32).malloc(1_u64)
ptr.value # => 0

# Allocate memory for 10 Int32: 40 bytes
ptr = Pointer(Int32).malloc(10_u64)
ptr[0] # => 0
# ...
ptr[9] # => 0

def self.malloc(size : Int = 1)Source

Allocates size * sizeof(T) bytes from the system's heap initialized to zero and returns a pointer to the first byte from that memory. The memory is allocated by the GC, so when there are no pointers to this memory, it will be automatically freed.

# Allocate memory for an Int32: 4 bytes
ptr = Pointer(Int32).malloc
ptr.value # => 0

# Allocate memory for 10 Int32: 40 bytes
ptr = Pointer(Int32).malloc(10)
ptr[0] # => 0
# ...
ptr[9] # => 0

def self.malloc(size : Int, &block : Int32 -> T)Source

Allocates size * sizeof(T) bytes from the system's heap initialized to the value returned by the block (which is invoked once with each index in the range 0...size) and returns a pointer to the first byte from that memory. The memory is allocated by the GC, so when there are no pointers to this memory, it will be automatically freed.

# An Int32 occupies 4 bytes, so here we are requesting 16 bytes.
# i is an index in the range 0 .. 3
ptr = Pointer.malloc(4) { |i| i + 10 }
ptr[0] # => 10
ptr[1] # => 11
ptr[2] # => 12
ptr[3] # => 13

def self.nullSource

Returns a pointer whose memory address is zero. This doesn't allocate memory.

When calling a C function you can also pass nil instead of constructing a null pointer with this method.

ptr = Pointer(Int32).null
ptr.address # => 0

Instance Method Detail

def +(offset : Int64) : selfSource

Returns a new pointer whose address is this pointer's address incremented by other * sizeof(T).

ptr = Pointer(Int32).new(1234)
ptr.address # => 1234

# An Int32 occupies four bytes
ptr2 = ptr + 1_u64
ptr2.address # => 1238

def +(other : Int)Source

Returns a new pointer whose address is this pointer's address incremented by other * sizeof(T).

ptr = Pointer(Int32).new(1234)
ptr.address # => 1234

# An Int32 occupies four bytes
ptr2 = ptr + 1
ptr2.address # => 1238

def -(other : Int)Source

Returns a new pointer whose address is this pointer's address decremented by other * sizeof(T).

ptr = Pointer(Int32).new(1234)
ptr.address # => 1234

# An Int32 occupies four bytes
ptr2 = ptr - 1
ptr2.address # => 1230

def -(other : self) : Int64Source

Returns how many T elements are there between this pointer and other. That is, this is (self.address - other.address) / sizeof(T).

ptr1 = Pointer(Int32).malloc(4)
ptr2 = ptr1 + 2
ptr2 - ptr1 # => 2

def <=>(other : self)Source

Returns -1, 0 or 1 depending on whether this pointer's address is less, equal or greater than other's address, respectively.

def [](offset)Source

Gets the value pointed at this pointer's address plus offset * sizeof(T).

ptr = Pointer.malloc(4) { |i| i + 10 }
ptr[0] # => 10
ptr[1] # => 11
ptr[2] # => 12
ptr[3] # => 13

def []=(offset, value : T)Source

Sets the value pointed at this pointer's address plus offset * sizeof(T).

ptr = Pointer(Int32).malloc(4) # [0, 0, 0, 0]
ptr[1] = 42

ptr2 = ptr + 1
ptr2.value # => 42

def address : UInt64Source

Returns the address of this pointer.

ptr = Pointer(Int32).new(1234)
ptr.address # => 1234

def appenderSource

Returns a Pointer::Appender for this pointer.

def clear(count = 1)Source

Clears (sets to "zero" bytes) a number of values pointed by this pointer.

ptr = Pointer.malloc(6) { |i| i + 10 } # [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]
ptr.to_slice(6) # => Slice[0, 0, 0, 13, 14, 15]

def cloneSource

def copy_from(source : Pointer(T), count : Int)Source

Copies count elements from source into self. If source and self overlap, behaviour is undefined. Use #move_from if they overlap (slower but always works).

ptr1 = Pointer.malloc(4) { |i| i + 1 }  # [1, 2, 3, 4]
ptr2 = Pointer.malloc(4) { |i| i + 11 } # [11, 12, 13, 14]

# ptr2 -> [11, 12, 13, 14]
#          ^---^           <- copy this
# ptr1 -> [1,  2,  3,  4]
#          ^---^           <- here
ptr1.copy_from(ptr2, 2)
ptr1[0] # => 11
ptr1[1] # => 12
ptr1[2] # => 3
ptr1[3] # => 4

def copy_to(target : Pointer, count : Int)Source

Copies count elements from self into target. If self and target overlap, behaviour is undefined. Use #move_to if they overlap (slower but always works).

ptr1 = Pointer.malloc(4) { |i| i + 1 }  # [1, 2, 3, 4]
ptr2 = Pointer.malloc(4) { |i| i + 11 } # [11, 12, 13, 14]

# ptr1 -> [1,  2,  3,  4]
#          ^---^           <- copy this
# ptr2 -> [11, 12, 13, 14]
#          ^---^           <- here
ptr1.copy_to(ptr2, 2)
ptr2[0] # => 1
ptr2[1] # => 2
ptr2[2] # => 13
ptr2[3] # => 14

def hash(hasher)Source

Returns the address of this pointer.

ptr = Pointer(Int32).new(1234)
ptr.hash # => 1234

def map!(count : Int, &)Source

Sets count consecutive values pointed by this pointer to the values returned by the block.

ptr = Pointer.malloc(4) { |i| i + 1 } # [1, 2, 3, 4]
ptr.map!(4) { |value| value * 2 }
ptr # [2, 4, 6, 8]

def map_with_index!(count : Int, offset = 0, &)Source

Like #map!, but yields 2 arguments, the element and its index

Accepts an optional offset parameter, which tells it to start counting from there.

def memcmp(other : Pointer(T), count : Int)Source

Compares count elements from this pointer and other, byte by byte.

Returns 0 if both pointers point to the same sequence of count bytes. Otherwise returns the difference between the first two differing bytes (treated as UInt8).

ptr1 = Pointer.malloc(4) { |i| i + 1 }  # [1, 2, 3, 4]
ptr2 = Pointer.malloc(4) { |i| i + 11 } # [11, 12, 13, 14]

ptr1.memcmp(ptr2, 4) # => -10
ptr2.memcmp(ptr1, 4) # => 10
ptr1.memcmp(ptr1, 4) # => 0

def move_from(source : Pointer(T), count : Int)Source

Copies count elements from source into self. source and self may overlap; the copy is always done in a non-destructive manner.

ptr1 = Pointer.malloc(4) { |i| i + 1 } # ptr1 -> [1, 2, 3, 4]
ptr2 = ptr1 + 1                        #             ^--------- ptr2

# [1, 2, 3, 4]
#  ^-----^       <- copy this
#     ^------^   <- here
ptr2.move_from(ptr1, 3)

ptr1[0] # => 1
ptr1[1] # => 1
ptr1[2] # => 2
ptr1[3] # => 3

def move_to(target : Pointer, count : Int)Source

Copies count elements from self into source. source and self may overlap; the copy is always done in a non-destructive manner.

ptr1 = Pointer.malloc(4) { |i| i + 1 } # ptr1 -> [1, 2, 3, 4]
ptr2 = ptr1 + 1                        #             ^--------- ptr2

# [1, 2, 3, 4]
#  ^-----^       <- copy this
#     ^------^   <- here
ptr1.move_to(ptr2, 3)

ptr1[0] # => 1
ptr1[1] # => 1
ptr1[2] # => 2
ptr1[3] # => 3

def null?Source

Returns true if this pointer's address is zero.

a = 1
pointerof(a).null? # => false

b = Pointer(Int32).new(0)
b.null? # => true

def realloc(size : UInt64) : selfSource

Tries to change the size of the allocation pointed to by this pointer to size, and returns that pointer.

Since the space after the end of the block may be in use, realloc may find it necessary to copy the block to a new address where more free space is available. The value of realloc is the new address of the block. If the block needs to be moved, realloc copies the old contents.

Remember to always assign the value of realloc.

ptr = Pointer.malloc(4) { |i| i + 1 } # [1, 2, 3, 4]
ptr = ptr.realloc(8_u8)
ptr # [1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0]

def realloc(size : Int)Source

Tries to change the size of the allocation pointed to by this pointer to size, and returns that pointer.

Since the space after the end of the block may be in use, realloc may find it necessary to copy the block to a new address where more free space is available. The value of realloc is the new address of the block. If the block needs to be moved, realloc copies the old contents.

Remember to always assign the value of realloc.

ptr = Pointer.malloc(4) { |i| i + 1 } # [1, 2, 3, 4]
ptr = ptr.realloc(8)
ptr # [1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0]

def shuffle!(count : Int, random = Random::DEFAULT)Source

Shuffles count consecutive values pointed by this pointer.

ptr = Pointer.malloc(4) { |i| i + 1 } # [1, 2, 3, 4]
ptr # [3, 4, 1, 2]

def swap(i, j)Source

Swaps the contents pointed at the offsets i and j.

ptr = Pointer.malloc(4) { |i| i + 1 }
ptr[2] # => 3
ptr[3] # => 4
ptr.swap(2, 3)
ptr[2] # => 4
ptr[3] # => 3

def to_s(io : IO) : NilSource

Appends a string representation of this pointer to the given IO, including its type and address in hexadecimal.

ptr1 = Pointer(Int32).new(1234)
ptr1.to_s # => "Pointer(Int32)@0x4d2"

ptr2 = Pointer(Int32).new(0)
ptr2.to_s # => "Pointer(Int32).null"

def to_slice(size)Source

Returns a Slice that points to this pointer and is bounded by the given size.

ptr = Pointer.malloc(6) { |i| i + 10 } # [10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15]
slice = ptr.to_slice(4)                # => Slice[10, 11, 12, 13]
slice.class                            # => Slice(Int32)

def value : TSource

Gets the value pointed by this pointer.

ptr = Pointer(Int32).malloc(4)
ptr.value = 42
ptr.value # => 42

def value=(value : T)Source

Sets the value pointed by this pointer.

ptr = Pointer(Int32).malloc(4)
ptr.value = 42
ptr.value # => 42

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Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.