

abstract class YAML::Nodes::Node


Abstract class of all YAML tree nodes.

Direct Known Subclasses

Defined in:


Instance Method Summary

Instance Method Detail

def anchor : String?Source

The optional anchor of a node.

def anchor=(anchor : String?)Source

The optional anchor of a node.

def end_column : Int32Source

The column where this node ends.

def end_column=(end_column)Source

The column where this node ends.

def end_line : Int32Source

The line where this node ends.

def end_line=(end_line)Source

The line where this node ends.

def location : Tuple(Int32, Int32)Source

Returns a tuple of #start_line and #start_column.

def raise(message)Source

Raises a YAML::ParseException with the given message located at this node's #location.

def start_column : Int32Source

The column where this node starts.

def start_column=(start_column)Source

The column where this node starts.

def start_line : Int32Source

The line where this node starts.

def start_line=(start_line)Source

The line where this node starts.

def tag : String?Source

The optional tag of a node.

def tag=(tag : String?)Source

The optional tag of a node.

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