Like connect, but returns a Future that completes with a ConnectionTask that can be cancelled if the RawSecureSocket is no longer needed.
static Future<ConnectionTask<RawSecureSocket>> startConnect(host, int port, {SecurityContext context, bool onBadCertificate(X509Certificate certificate), List<String> supportedProtocols}) { return RawSocket.startConnect(host, port) .then((ConnectionTask<RawSocket> rawState) { Future<RawSecureSocket> socket = rawState.socket.then((rawSocket) { return secure(rawSocket, context: context, onBadCertificate: onBadCertificate, supportedProtocols: supportedProtocols); }); return new ConnectionTask<RawSecureSocket>._( socket: socket, onCancel: rawState._onCancel); }); }
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