The GPUUncapturedErrorEvent
interface of the WebGPU API is the event object type for the GPUDevice
event, used for telemetry and to report unexpected errors.
Known error cases should be handled using pushErrorScope()
and popErrorScope()
Event GPUUncapturedErrorEvent
Inherits properties from its parent, Event
Experimental Read only
A GPUError
object instance providing access to the details of the error.
You could use something like the following as a global mechanism to pick up any errors that aren't handled by error scopes and capture them.
device. addEventListener ( "uncapturederror" , ( event ) => {
console. error ( "A WebGPU error was not captured:" , event. error. message) ;
reportErrorToServer ( {
type: event. error. constructor. name,
message: event. error. message,
} ) ;
} ) ;