The Magnetometer interface of the Sensor APIs provides information about the magnetic field as detected by the device's primary magnetometer sensor.
To use this sensor, the user must grant permission to the 'magnetometer' device sensor through the Permissions API. In addition, this feature may be blocked by a Permissions Policy set on your server.
Returns a double containing the magnetic field around the device's z axis.
Instance methods
Magnetometer doesn't have own methods. However, it inherits methods from its parent interfaces, Sensor and EventTarget.
Magnetometer doesn't have own events. However, it inherits events from its parent interface, Sensor.
The magnetometer is typically read in the reading event callback. In the example below this occurs sixty times a second.
let magSensor =newMagnetometer({ frequency:60});
console.log(`Magnetic field along the X-axis ${magSensor.x}`);
console.log(`Magnetic field along the Y-axis ${magSensor.y}`);
console.log(`Magnetic field along the Z-axis ${magSensor.z}`);});