The OrientationSensor interface of the Sensor APIs is the base class for orientation sensors. This interface cannot be used directly. Instead it provides properties and methods accessed by interfaces that inherit from it.
Populates the given object with the rotation matrix based on the latest sensor reading.
Basic Example
The following example, which is loosely based on Intel's Orientation Phone demo, instantiates an AbsoluteOrientationSensor with a frequency of 60 times a second. On each reading it uses OrientationSensor.quaternion to rotate a visual model of a phone.
const options ={ frequency:60, referenceFrame:"device"};const sensor =newAbsoluteOrientationSensor(options);
sensor.addEventListener("reading",()=>{// model is a Three.js object instantiated elsewhere.
sensor.addEventListener("error",(error)=>{if( ==="NotReadableError"){
console.log("Sensor is not available.");}});
Permissions Example
Using orientation sensors requires requesting permissions for multiple device sensors. Because the Permissions interface uses promises, a good way to request permissions is to use Promise.all.
const sensor =newAbsoluteOrientationSensor();
navigator.permissions.query({ name:"accelerometer"}),
navigator.permissions.query({ name:"magnetometer"}),
navigator.permissions.query({ name:"gyroscope"}),]).then((results)=>{if(results.every((result)=> result.state ==="granted")){
sensor.start();// …}else{
console.log("No permissions to use AbsoluteOrientationSensor.");}});