The XMLHttpRequestUpload interface represents the upload process for a specific XMLHttpRequest. It is an opaque object that represents the underlying, browser-dependent, upload process. It is an XMLHttpRequestEventTarget and can be obtained by calling XMLHttpRequest.upload.
Fired when a request has been aborted, for example because the program called XMLHttpRequest.abort(). Also available via the onabort event handler property.
Fired when a request has completed, whether successfully (after load) or unsuccessfully (after abort or error). Also available via the onloadend event handler property.
Fired when progress is terminated due to preset time expiring. Also available via the ontimeout event handler property.
Uploading a file with a timeout
This allows you to upload a file to a server; it displays a progress bar while the upload is happening as well as a message with the progress and the results, success or failure. An abort button allows to stop an upload.
<!doctype html><htmllang="en"><head><metacharset="utf-8"/><metaname="viewport"content="width=device-width"/><title>XMLHttpRequestUpload test</title><linkrel="stylesheet"href="xhrupload_test.css"/><scriptsrc="xhrupload_test.js"></script></head><body><main><h1>Upload a file</h1><p><labelfor="file">File to upload</label><inputtype="file"id="file"/></p><p><progress/></p><p><output></output></p><p><buttondisabledid="abort">Abort</button></p></main></body></html>
addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",()=>{const fileInput = document.getElementById("file");const progressBar = document.querySelector("progress");const log = document.querySelector("output");const abortButton = document.getElementById("abort");
fileInput.addEventListener("change",()=>{const xhr =newXMLHttpRequest();
xhr.timeout =2000;// 2 seconds// Link abort button
xhr.abort();},{ once:true},);// When the upload starts, we display the progress bar
progressBar.value =0;
progressBar.max =;
log.textContent ="Uploading (0%)…";
abortButton.disabled =false;});// Each time a progress event is received, we update the bar
progressBar.value = event.loaded;
log.textContent =`Uploading (${((event.loaded /*100).toFixed(2)}%)…`;});// When the upload is finished, we hide the progress bar.
progressBar.classList.remove("visible");if(event.loaded !==0){
log.textContent ="Upload finished.";}
abortButton.disabled =true;});// In case of an error, an abort, or a timeout, we hide the progress bar// Note that these events can be listened to on the xhr object toofunctionerrorAction(event){
log.textContent =`Upload failed: ${event.type}`;}
xhr.upload.addEventListener("error", errorAction);
xhr.upload.addEventListener("abort", errorAction);
xhr.upload.addEventListener("timeout", errorAction);// Build the payloadconst fileData =newFormData();
fileData.append("file", fileInput.files[0]);// Theoretically, event listeners could be set after the open() call// but browsers are buggy here"POST","upload_test.php",true);// Note that the event listener must be set before sending (as it is a preflighted request)