Defines a utility class for creating random data.
Name | Modifiers | Type | Description |
Random::$names | protected | property | A list of unique names generated by name(). |
Random::$strings | protected | property | A list of unique strings generated by string(). |
Random::image | public | function | Create a placeholder image. |
Random::MAXIMUM_TRIES | constant | The maximum number of times name() and string() can loop. | |
Random::name | public | function | Generates a random string containing letters and numbers. |
Random::object | public | function | Generates a random PHP object. |
Random::paragraphs | public | function | Generate paragraphs separated by double new line. |
Random::sentences | public | function | Generates sentences Latin words, often used as placeholder text. |
Random::string | public | function | Generates a random string of ASCII characters of codes 32 to 126. |
Random::word | public | function | Generate a string that looks like a word (letters only, alternating consonants and vowels). |
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