
/Drupal 8

class LibraryDiscoveryParser

Parses library files to get extension data.



core/lib/Drupal/Core/Asset/LibraryDiscoveryParser.php, line 18




Name Modifiers Type Description
LibraryDiscoveryParser::$moduleHandler protected property The module handler.
LibraryDiscoveryParser::$root protected property The app root.
LibraryDiscoveryParser::$themeManager protected property The theme manager.
LibraryDiscoveryParser::applyLibrariesOverride protected function Apply libraries overrides specified for the current active theme.
LibraryDiscoveryParser::buildByExtension public function Parses and builds up all the libraries information of an extension.
LibraryDiscoveryParser::drupalGetPath protected function Wraps drupal_get_path().
LibraryDiscoveryParser::fileValidUri protected function Wraps file_valid_uri().
LibraryDiscoveryParser::isValidUri protected function Determines if the supplied string is a valid URI.
LibraryDiscoveryParser::parseLibraryInfo protected function Parses a given library file and allows modules and themes to alter it.
LibraryDiscoveryParser::resolveThemeAssetPath protected function Ensures that a full path is returned for an overriding theme asset.
LibraryDiscoveryParser::setOverrideValue protected function Overrides the specified library asset.
LibraryDiscoveryParser::__construct public function Constructs a new LibraryDiscoveryParser instance.

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