

Ember.CoreObject (public)

Defined in: packages/ember-runtime/lib/system/core_object.js:198
Module: ember

create (arguments) public


Creates an instance of a class. Accepts either no arguments, or an object containing values to initialize the newly instantiated object with.

const Person = Ember.Object.extend({
  helloWorld() {
    alert(`Hi, my name is ${this.get('name')}`);

let tom = Person.create({
  name: 'Tom Dale'

tom.helloWorld(); // alerts "Hi, my name is Tom Dale".

create will call the init function if defined during Ember.AnyObject.extend

If no arguments are passed to create, it will not set values to the new instance during initialization:

let noName = Person.create();
noName.helloWorld(); // alerts undefined

NOTE: For performance reasons, you cannot declare methods or computed properties during create. You should instead declare methods and computed properties when using extend.

destroy Ember.Object public


Destroys an object by setting the isDestroyed flag and removing its metadata, which effectively destroys observers and bindings.

If you try to set a property on a destroyed object, an exception will be raised.

Note that destruction is scheduled for the end of the run loop and does not happen immediately. It will set an isDestroying flag immediately.

extend (mixins, arguments) public

One or more Mixin classes
Object containing values to use within the new class

Creates a new subclass.

const Person = Ember.Object.extend({
  say(thing) {

This defines a new subclass of Ember.Object: Person. It contains one method: say().

You can also create a subclass from any existing class by calling its extend() method. For example, you might want to create a subclass of Ember's built-in Ember.Component class:

const PersonComponent = Ember.Component.extend({
  tagName: 'li',
  classNameBindings: ['isAdministrator']

When defining a subclass, you can override methods but still access the implementation of your parent class by calling the special _super() method:

const Person = Ember.Object.extend({
  say(thing) {
    let name = this.get('name');
    alert(`${name} says: ${thing}`);

const Soldier = Person.extend({
  say(thing) {
    this._super(`${thing}, sir!`);
  march(numberOfHours) {
    alert(`${this.get('name')} marches for ${numberOfHours} hours.`);

let yehuda = Soldier.create({
  name: 'Yehuda Katz'

yehuda.say('Yes');  // alerts "Yehuda Katz says: Yes, sir!"

The create() on line #17 creates an instance of the Soldier class. The extend() on line #8 creates a subclass of Person. Any instance of the Person class will not have the march() method.

You can also pass Mixin classes to add additional properties to the subclass.

const Person = Ember.Object.extend({
  say(thing) {
    alert(`${this.get('name')} says: ${thing}`);

const SingingMixin = Mixin.create({
    alert(`${this.get('name')} sings: la la la ${thing}`);

const BroadwayStar = Person.extend(SingingMixin, {
  dance() {
    alert(`${this.get('name')} dances: tap tap tap tap `);

The BroadwayStar class contains three methods: say(), sing(), and dance().

init public

An overridable method called when objects are instantiated. By default, does nothing unless it is overridden during class definition.


const Person = Ember.Object.extend({
  init() {
    alert(`Name is ${this.get('name')}`);

let steve = Person.create({
  name: 'Steve'

// alerts 'Name is Steve'.

NOTE: If you do override init for a framework class like Ember.View, be sure to call this._super(...arguments) in your init declaration! If you don't, Ember may not have an opportunity to do important setup work, and you'll see strange behavior in your application.

reopen public

Augments a constructor's prototype with additional properties and functions:

const MyObject = Ember.Object.extend({
  name: 'an object'

o = MyObject.create();
o.get('name'); // 'an object'

  say(msg) {

o2 = MyObject.create();
o2.say('hello'); // logs "hello"

o.say('goodbye'); // logs "goodbye"

To add functions and properties to the constructor itself, see reopenClass

reopenClass public

Augments a constructor's own properties and functions:

const MyObject = Ember.Object.extend({
  name: 'an object'

  canBuild: false

MyObject.canBuild; // false
o = MyObject.create();

In other words, this creates static properties and functions for the class. These are only available on the class and not on any instance of that class.

const Person = Ember.Object.extend({
  name: '',
  sayHello() {
    alert(`Hello. My name is ${this.get('name')}`);

  species: 'Homo sapiens',

  createPerson(name) {
    return Person.create({ name });

let tom = Person.create({
  name: 'Tom Dale'
let yehuda = Person.createPerson('Yehuda Katz');

tom.sayHello(); // "Hello. My name is Tom Dale"
yehuda.sayHello(); // "Hello. My name is Yehuda Katz"
alert(Person.species); // "Homo sapiens"

Note that species and createPerson are not valid on the tom and yehuda variables. They are only valid on Person.

To add functions and properties to instances of a constructor by extending the constructor's prototype see reopen

toString String public

string representation

Returns a string representation which attempts to provide more information than Javascript's toString typically does, in a generic way for all Ember objects.

const Person = Ember.Object.extend()
person = Person.create()
person.toString() //=> "<Person:ember1024>"

If the object's class is not defined on an Ember namespace, it will indicate it is a subclass of the registered superclass:

const Student = Person.extend()
let student = Student.create()
student.toString() //=> "<(subclass of Person):ember1025>"

If the method toStringExtension is defined, its return value will be included in the output.

const Teacher = Person.extend({
  toStringExtension() {
    return this.get('fullName');
teacher = Teacher.create()
teacher.toString(); //=> "<Teacher:ember1026:Tom Dale>"

willDestroy public

Override to implement teardown.

© 2017 Yehuda Katz, Tom Dale and Ember.js contributors
Licensed under the MIT License.