
/Godot 3.2


Inherits: WebSocketMultiplayerPeer < NetworkedMultiplayerPeer < PacketPeer < Reference < Object

A WebSocket server implementation.


This class implements a WebSocket server that can also support the high-level multiplayer API.

After starting the server (listen), you will need to NetworkedMultiplayerPeer.poll it at regular intervals (e.g. inside Node._process). When clients connect, disconnect, or send data, you will receive the appropriate signal.

Note: Not available in HTML5 exports.


String bind_ip "*"
X509Certificate ca_chain
CryptoKey private_key
X509Certificate ssl_certificate


void disconnect_peer ( int id, int code=1000, String reason="" )
String get_peer_address ( int id ) const
int get_peer_port ( int id ) const
bool has_peer ( int id ) const
bool is_listening ( ) const
Error listen ( int port, PoolStringArray protocols=PoolStringArray( ), bool gd_mp_api=false )
void stop ( )


client_close_request ( int id, int code, String reason )

Emitted when a client requests a clean close. You should keep polling until you get a client_disconnected signal with the same id to achieve the clean close. See WebSocketPeer.close for more details.

client_connected ( int id, String protocol )

Emitted when a new client connects. "protocol" will be the sub-protocol agreed with the client.

client_disconnected ( int id, bool was_clean_close )

Emitted when a client disconnects. was_clean_close will be true if the connection was shutdown cleanly.

data_received ( int id )

Emitted when a new message is received.

Note: This signal is not emitted when used as high-level multiplayer peer.

Property Descriptions

String bind_ip

Default "*"
Setter set_bind_ip(value)
Getter get_bind_ip()

When not set to * will restrict incoming connections to the specified IP address. Setting bind_ip to will cause the server to listen only to the local host.

X509Certificate ca_chain

Setter set_ca_chain(value)
Getter get_ca_chain()

When using SSL (see private_key and ssl_certificate), you can set this to a valid X509Certificate to be provided as additional CA chain information during the SSL handshake.

CryptoKey private_key

Setter set_private_key(value)
Getter get_private_key()

When set to a valid CryptoKey (along with ssl_certificate) will cause the server to require SSL instead of regular TCP (i.e. the wss:// protocol).

X509Certificate ssl_certificate

Setter set_ssl_certificate(value)
Getter get_ssl_certificate()

When set to a valid X509Certificate (along with private_key) will cause the server to require SSL instead of regular TCP (i.e. the wss:// protocol).

Method Descriptions

void disconnect_peer ( int id, int code=1000, String reason="" )

Disconnects the peer identified by id from the server. See WebSocketPeer.close for more information.

String get_peer_address ( int id ) const

Returns the IP address of the given peer.

int get_peer_port ( int id ) const

Returns the remote port of the given peer.

bool has_peer ( int id ) const

Returns true if a peer with the given ID is connected.

bool is_listening ( ) const

Returns true if the server is actively listening on a port.

Error listen ( int port, PoolStringArray protocols=PoolStringArray( ), bool gd_mp_api=false )

Starts listening on the given port.

You can specify the desired subprotocols via the "protocols" array. If the list empty (default), no sub-protocol will be requested.

If true is passed as gd_mp_api, the server will behave like a network peer for the MultiplayerAPI, connections from non-Godot clients will not work, and data_received will not be emitted.

If false is passed instead (default), you must call PacketPeer functions (put_packet, get_packet, etc.), on the WebSocketPeer returned via get_peer(id) to communicate with the peer with given id (e.g. get_peer(id).get_available_packet_count).

void stop ( )

Stops the server and clear its state.

© 2014–2020 Juan Linietsky, Ariel Manzur, Godot Engine contributors
Licensed under the MIT License.