The with binding creates a new binding context, so that descendant elements are bound in the context of a specified object.
Of course, you can arbitrarily nest with bindings along with the other control-flow bindings such as if and foreach.
Here is a very basic example of switching the binding context to a child object. Notice that in the data-bind attributes, it is not necessary to prefix latitude or longitude with coords., because the binding context is switched to coords.
<h1 data-bind="text: city"> </h1> <p data-bind="with: coords"> Latitude: <span data-bind="text: latitude"> </span>, Longitude: <span data-bind="text: longitude"> </span> </p> <script type="text/javascript"> ko.applyBindings({ city: "London", coords: { latitude: 51.5001524, longitude: -0.1262362 } }); </script>
This interactive example demonstrates that:
Try it out:
<form data-bind="submit: getTweets"> Twitter account: <input data-bind="value: twitterName" /> <button type="submit">Get tweets</button> </form> <div data-bind="with: resultData"> <h3>Recent tweets fetched at <span data-bind="text: retrievalDate"> </span></h3> <ol data-bind="foreach: topTweets"> <li data-bind="text: text"></li> </ol> <button data-bind="click: $parent.clearResults">Clear tweets</button> </div>
function AppViewModel() { var self = this; self.twitterName = ko.observable('@example'); self.resultData = ko.observable(); // No initial value self.getTweets = function() { var name = self.twitterName(), simulatedResults = [ { text: name + ' What a nice day.' }, { text: name + ' Building some cool apps.' }, { text: name + ' Just saw a famous celebrity eating lard. Yum.' } ]; self.resultData({ retrievalDate: new Date(), topTweets: simulatedResults }); } self.clearResults = function() { self.resultData(undefined); } } ko.applyBindings(new AppViewModel());
Main parameter
The object that you want to use as the context for binding descendant elements.
If the expression you supply evaluates to null or undefined, descendant elements will not be bound at all, but will instead be removed from the document.
If the expression you supply involves any observable values, the expression will be re-evaluated whenever any of those observables change. Then, descendant elements will be cleared out, and a new copy of the markup will be added to your document and bound in the context of the new evaluation result.
Additional parameters
Just like other control flow elements such as if and foreach, you can use with without any container element to host it. This is useful if you need to use with in a place where it would not be legal to introduce a new container element just to hold the with binding. See the documentation for if or foreach for more details.
<ul> <li>Header element</li> <!-- ko with: outboundFlight --> ... <!-- /ko --> <!-- ko with: inboundFlight --> ... <!-- /ko --> </ul>
The <!-- ko --> and <!-- /ko --> comments act as start/end markers, defining a “virtual element” that contains the markup inside. Knockout understands this virtual element syntax and binds as if you had a real container element.
None, other than the core Knockout library.
© Steven Sanderson, the Knockout.js team, and other contributors
Licensed under the MIT License.