Platform and version requirements: JVM (1.0), JS (1.0), Native (1.0)
fun <T> Array<out T>.toMutableList(): MutableList<T>
fun ByteArray.toMutableList(): MutableList<Byte>
fun ShortArray.toMutableList(): MutableList<Short>
fun IntArray.toMutableList(): MutableList<Int>
fun LongArray.toMutableList(): MutableList<Long>
fun FloatArray.toMutableList(): MutableList<Float>
fun DoubleArray.toMutableList(): MutableList<Double>
fun BooleanArray.toMutableList(): MutableList<Boolean>
fun CharArray.toMutableList(): MutableList<Char>
Returns a new MutableList filled with all elements of this array.
Platform and version requirements: JVM (1.0), JS (1.0), Native (1.0)
fun <T> Iterable<T>.toMutableList(): MutableList<T>
fun <T> Collection<T>.toMutableList(): MutableList<T>
Returns a new MutableList filled with all elements of this collection.