Returns true
if the sequence has no elements.
The operation is terminal.
Returns true
if no elements match the given predicate.
The operation is terminal.
import kotlin.test.*
fun main(args: Array<String>) {
val isEven: (Int) -> Boolean = { it % 2 == 0 }
val zeroToTen = 0..10
println("zeroToTen.none { isEven(it) } is ${zeroToTen.none { isEven(it) }}") // false
println("zeroToTen.none(isEven) is ${zeroToTen.none(isEven)}") // false
val odds = { it * 2 + 1 }
println("odds.none { isEven(it) } is ${odds.none { isEven(it) }}") // true
val emptyList = emptyList<Int>()
println("emptyList.none { true } is ${emptyList.none { true }}") // true
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