class PendingRequest (View source)
Macroable |
static protected array | $macros | The registered string macros. | from Macroable |
protected Factory|null | $factory | The factory instance. | |
protected string | $baseUrl | The base URL for the request. | |
protected string | $bodyFormat | The request body format. | |
protected string | $pendingBody | The raw body for the request. | |
protected array | $pendingFiles | The pending files for the request. | |
protected array | $cookies | The request cookies. | |
protected | $transferStats | The transfer stats for the request. | |
protected array | $options | The request options. | |
protected int | $tries | The number of times to try the request. | |
protected int | $retryDelay | The number of milliseconds to wait between retries. | |
protected array | $beforeSendingCallbacks | The callbacks that should execute before the request is sent. | |
protected Collection|null | $stubCallbacks | The stub callables that will handle requests. | |
protected Collection | $middleware | The middleware callables added by users that will handle requests. |
static void | macro(string $name, object|callable $macro) Register a custom macro. | from Macroable |
static void | mixin(object $mixin, bool $replace = true) Mix another object into the class. | from Macroable |
static bool | hasMacro(string $name) Checks if macro is registered. | from Macroable |
static mixed | __callStatic(string $method, array $parameters) Dynamically handle calls to the class. | from Macroable |
mixed | __call(string $method, array $parameters) Dynamically handle calls to the class. | from Macroable |
void | __construct(Factory $factory = null) Create a new HTTP Client instance. | |
$this | baseUrl(string $url) Set the base URL for the pending request. | |
$this | withBody(resource|string $content, string $contentType) Attach a raw body to the request. | |
$this | asJson() Indicate the request contains JSON. | |
$this | asForm() Indicate the request contains form parameters. | |
$this | attach(string|array $name, string $contents = '', string|null $filename = null, array $headers = []) Attach a file to the request. | |
$this | asMultipart() Indicate the request is a multi-part form request. | |
$this | bodyFormat(string $format) Specify the body format of the request. | |
$this | contentType(string $contentType) Specify the request's content type. | |
$this | acceptJson() Indicate that JSON should be returned by the server. | |
$this | accept(string $contentType) Indicate the type of content that should be returned by the server. | |
$this | withHeaders(array $headers) Add the given headers to the request. | |
$this | withBasicAuth(string $username, string $password) Specify the basic authentication username and password for the request. | |
$this | withDigestAuth(string $username, string $password) Specify the digest authentication username and password for the request. | |
$this | withToken(string $token, string $type = 'Bearer') Specify an authorization token for the request. | |
$this | withUserAgent(string $userAgent) Specify the user agent for the request. | |
$this | withCookies(array $cookies, string $domain) Specify the cookies that should be included with the request. | |
$this | withoutRedirecting() Indicate that redirects should not be followed. | |
$this | withoutVerifying() Indicate that TLS certificates should not be verified. | |
$this | sink(string|resource $to) Specify the path where the body of the response should be stored. | |
$this | timeout(int $seconds) Specify the timeout (in seconds) for the request. | |
$this | retry(int $times, int $sleep = 0) Specify the number of times the request should be attempted. | |
$this | withOptions(array $options) Merge new options into the client. | |
$this | withMiddleware(callable $middleware) Add new middleware the client handler stack. | |
$this | beforeSending(callable $callback) Add a new "before sending" callback to the request. | |
Response | get(string $url, array|string|null $query = null) Issue a GET request to the given URL. | |
Response | head(string $url, array|string|null $query = null) Issue a HEAD request to the given URL. | |
Response | post(string $url, array $data = []) Issue a POST request to the given URL. | |
Response | patch(string $url, array $data = []) Issue a PATCH request to the given URL. | |
Response | put(string $url, array $data = []) Issue a PUT request to the given URL. | |
Response | delete(string $url, array $data = []) Issue a DELETE request to the given URL. | |
Response | send(string $method, string $url, array $options = []) Send the request to the given URL. | |
array|array[] | parseMultipartBodyFormat(array $data) Parse multi-part form data. | |
array | parseRequestData(string $method, string $url, array $options) Get the request data as an array so that we can attach it to the request for convenient assertions. | |
Client | buildClient() Build the Guzzle client. | |
HandlerStack | buildHandlerStack() Build the before sending handler stack. | |
Closure | buildBeforeSendingHandler() Build the before sending handler. | |
Closure | buildRecorderHandler() Build the recorder handler. | |
Closure | buildStubHandler() Build the stub handler. | |
Closure | sinkStubHandler(string $sink) Get the sink stub handler callback. | |
Closure | runBeforeSendingCallbacks(RequestInterface $request, array $options) Execute the "before sending" callbacks. | |
array | mergeOptions(array ...$options) Merge the given options with the current request options. | |
$this | stub(callable $callback) Register a stub callable that will intercept requests and be able to return stub responses. |
Register a custom macro.
Mix another object into the class.
Checks if macro is registered.
Dynamically handle calls to the class.
Dynamically handle calls to the class.
Create a new HTTP Client instance.
Set the base URL for the pending request.
Attach a raw body to the request.
Indicate the request contains JSON.
Indicate the request contains form parameters.
Attach a file to the request.
Indicate the request is a multi-part form request.
Specify the body format of the request.
Specify the request's content type.
Indicate that JSON should be returned by the server.
Indicate the type of content that should be returned by the server.
Add the given headers to the request.
Specify the basic authentication username and password for the request.
Specify the digest authentication username and password for the request.
Specify an authorization token for the request.
Specify the user agent for the request.
Specify the cookies that should be included with the request.
Indicate that redirects should not be followed.
Indicate that TLS certificates should not be verified.
Specify the path where the body of the response should be stored.
Specify the timeout (in seconds) for the request.
Specify the number of times the request should be attempted.
Merge new options into the client.
Add new middleware the client handler stack.
Add a new "before sending" callback to the request.
Issue a GET request to the given URL.
Issue a HEAD request to the given URL.
Issue a POST request to the given URL.
Issue a PATCH request to the given URL.
Issue a PUT request to the given URL.
Issue a DELETE request to the given URL.
Send the request to the given URL.
Parse multi-part form data.
Get the request data as an array so that we can attach it to the request for convenient assertions.
Build the Guzzle client.
Build the before sending handler stack.
Build the before sending handler.
Build the recorder handler.
Build the stub handler.
Get the sink stub handler callback.
Execute the "before sending" callbacks.
Merge the given options with the current request options.
Register a stub callable that will intercept requests and be able to return stub responses.
© Taylor Otwell
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