class Response implements ArrayAccess (View source)
Macroable |
static protected array | $macros | The registered string macros. | from Macroable |
protected ResponseInterface | $response | The underlying PSR response. | |
protected array | $decoded | The decoded JSON response. |
static void | macro(string $name, object|callable $macro) Register a custom macro. | from Macroable |
static void | mixin(object $mixin, bool $replace = true) Mix another object into the class. | from Macroable |
static bool | hasMacro(string $name) Checks if macro is registered. | from Macroable |
static mixed | __callStatic(string $method, array $parameters) Dynamically handle calls to the class. | from Macroable |
mixed | __call(string $method, array $parameters) Dynamically proxy other methods to the underlying response. | |
void | __construct(MessageInterface $response) Create a new response instance. | |
string | body() Get the body of the response. | |
mixed | json(string|null $key = null, mixed $default = null) Get the JSON decoded body of the response as an array or scalar value. | |
object | object() Get the JSON decoded body of the response as an object. | |
string | header(string $header) Get a header from the response. | |
array | headers() Get the headers from the response. | |
int | status() Get the status code of the response. | |
UriInterface | effectiveUri() Get the effective URI of the response. | |
bool | successful() Determine if the request was successful. | |
bool | ok() Determine if the response code was "OK". | |
bool | redirect() Determine if the response was a redirect. | |
bool | failed() Determine if the response indicates a client or server error occurred. | |
bool | clientError() Determine if the response indicates a client error occurred. | |
bool | serverError() Determine if the response indicates a server error occurred. | |
$this | onError(callable $callback) Execute the given callback if there was a server or client error. | |
CookieJar | cookies() Get the response cookies. | |
ResponseInterface | toPsrResponse() Get the underlying PSR response for the response. | |
$this | throw() Throw an exception if a server or client error occurred. | |
bool | offsetExists(string $offset) Determine if the given offset exists. | |
mixed | offsetGet(string $offset) Get the value for a given offset. | |
void | offsetSet(string $offset, mixed $value) Set the value at the given offset. | |
void | offsetUnset(string $offset) Unset the value at the given offset. | |
string | __toString() Get the body of the response. |
Register a custom macro.
Mix another object into the class.
Checks if macro is registered.
Dynamically handle calls to the class.
Dynamically proxy other methods to the underlying response.
Create a new response instance.
Get the body of the response.
Get the JSON decoded body of the response as an array or scalar value.
Get the JSON decoded body of the response as an object.
Get a header from the response.
Get the headers from the response.
Get the status code of the response.
Get the effective URI of the response.
Determine if the request was successful.
Determine if the response code was "OK".
Determine if the response was a redirect.
Determine if the response indicates a client or server error occurred.
Determine if the response indicates a client error occurred.
Determine if the response indicates a server error occurred.
Execute the given callback if there was a server or client error.
Get the response cookies.
Get the underlying PSR response for the response.
Throw an exception if a server or client error occurred.
Determine if the given offset exists.
Get the value for a given offset.
Set the value at the given offset.
Unset the value at the given offset.
Get the body of the response.
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