class RedisQueue extends Queue implements Queue, ClearableQueue (View source)
InteractsWithTime |
protected Container | $container | The IoC container instance. | from Queue |
protected string | $connectionName | The connection name for the queue. | from Queue |
static protected callable[] | $createPayloadCallbacks | The create payload callbacks. | from Queue |
protected Factory | $redis | The Redis factory implementation. | |
protected string | $connection | The connection name. | |
protected string | $default | The name of the default queue. | |
protected int|null | $retryAfter | The expiration time of a job. | |
protected int|null | $blockFor | The maximum number of seconds to block for a job. |
int | secondsUntil(DateTimeInterface|DateInterval|int $delay) Get the number of seconds until the given DateTime. | from InteractsWithTime |
int | availableAt(DateTimeInterface|DateInterval|int $delay = 0) Get the "available at" UNIX timestamp. | from InteractsWithTime |
DateTimeInterface|int | parseDateInterval(DateTimeInterface|DateInterval|int $delay) If the given value is an interval, convert it to a DateTime instance. | from InteractsWithTime |
int | currentTime() Get the current system time as a UNIX timestamp. | from InteractsWithTime |
mixed | pushOn(string $queue, string $job, mixed $data = '') Push a new job onto the queue. | from Queue |
mixed | laterOn(string $queue, DateTimeInterface|DateInterval|int $delay, string $job, mixed $data = '') Push a new job onto the queue after a delay. | from Queue |
void | bulk(array $jobs, mixed $data = '', string|null $queue = null) Push an array of jobs onto the queue. | |
string | createPayload(Closure|string|object $job, string $queue, mixed $data = '') Create a payload string from the given job and data. | from Queue |
array | createPayloadArray(string|object $job, string $queue, mixed $data = '') Create a payload string from the given job and data. | |
array | createObjectPayload(object $job, string $queue) Create a payload for an object-based queue handler. | from Queue |
string | getDisplayName(object $job) Get the display name for the given job. | from Queue |
mixed | getJobBackoff(mixed $job) Get the backoff for an object-based queue handler. | from Queue |
mixed | getJobExpiration(mixed $job) Get the expiration timestamp for an object-based queue handler. | from Queue |
array | createStringPayload(string $job, string $queue, mixed $data) Create a typical, string based queue payload array. | from Queue |
static void | createPayloadUsing(callable $callback) Register a callback to be executed when creating job payloads. | from Queue |
array | withCreatePayloadHooks(string $queue, array $payload) Create the given payload using any registered payload hooks. | from Queue |
string | getConnectionName() Get the connection name for the queue. | from Queue |
$this | setConnectionName(string $name) Set the connection name for the queue. | from Queue |
void | setContainer(Container $container) Set the IoC container instance. | from Queue |
void | __construct(Factory $redis, string $default = 'default', string|null $connection = null, int $retryAfter = 60, int|null $blockFor = null) Create a new Redis queue instance. | |
int | size(string|null $queue = null) Get the size of the queue. | |
mixed | push(string|object $job, mixed $data = '', string|null $queue = null) Push a new job onto the queue. | |
mixed | pushRaw(string $payload, string|null $queue = null, array $options = []) Push a raw payload onto the queue. | |
mixed | later(DateTimeInterface|DateInterval|int $delay, string|object $job, mixed $data = '', string|null $queue = null) Push a new job onto the queue after a delay. | |
mixed | laterRaw(DateTimeInterface|DateInterval|int $delay, string $payload, string|null $queue = null) Push a raw job onto the queue after a delay. | |
Job|null | pop(string|null $queue = null) Pop the next job off of the queue. | |
void | migrate(string $queue) Migrate any delayed or expired jobs onto the primary queue. | |
array | migrateExpiredJobs(string $from, string $to) Migrate the delayed jobs that are ready to the regular queue. | |
array | retrieveNextJob(string $queue, bool $block = true) Retrieve the next job from the queue. | |
void | deleteReserved(string $queue, RedisJob $job) Delete a reserved job from the queue. | |
void | deleteAndRelease(string $queue, RedisJob $job, int $delay) Delete a reserved job from the reserved queue and release it. | |
int | clear(string $queue) Delete all of the jobs from the queue. | |
string | getRandomId() Get a random ID string. | |
string | getQueue(string|null $queue) Get the queue or return the default. | |
Connection | getConnection() Get the connection for the queue. | |
Factory | getRedis() Get the underlying Redis instance. |
Get the number of seconds until the given DateTime.
Get the "available at" UNIX timestamp.
If the given value is an interval, convert it to a DateTime instance.
Get the current system time as a UNIX timestamp.
Push a new job onto the queue.
Push a new job onto the queue after a delay.
Push an array of jobs onto the queue.
Create a payload string from the given job and data.
Create a payload string from the given job and data.
Create a payload for an object-based queue handler.
Get the display name for the given job.
Get the backoff for an object-based queue handler.
Get the expiration timestamp for an object-based queue handler.
Create a typical, string based queue payload array.
Register a callback to be executed when creating job payloads.
Create the given payload using any registered payload hooks.
Get the connection name for the queue.
Set the connection name for the queue.
Set the IoC container instance.
Create a new Redis queue instance.
Get the size of the queue.
Push a new job onto the queue.
Push a raw payload onto the queue.
Push a new job onto the queue after a delay.
Push a raw job onto the queue after a delay.
Pop the next job off of the queue.
Migrate any delayed or expired jobs onto the primary queue.
Migrate the delayed jobs that are ready to the regular queue.
Retrieve the next job from the queue.
Delete a reserved job from the queue.
Delete a reserved job from the reserved queue and release it.
Delete all of the jobs from the queue.
Get a random ID string.
Get the queue or return the default.
Get the connection for the queue.
Get the underlying Redis instance.
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