

Module hashes

This module implements efficient computations of hash values for diverse Nim types. All the procs are based on these two building blocks:

  • !& proc used to start or mix a hash value, and
  • !$ proc used to finish the hash value.

If you want to implement hash procs for your custom types you will end up writing the following kind of skeleton of code:

proc hash(x: Something): Hash =
  ## Computes a Hash from `x`.
  var h: Hash = 0
  # Iterate over parts of `x`.
  for xAtom in x:
    # Mix the atom with the partial hash.
    h = h !& xAtom
  # Finish the hash.
  result = !$h

If your custom types contain fields for which there already is a hash proc, like for example objects made up of strings, you can simply hash together the hash value of the individual fields:

proc hash(x: Something): Hash =
  ## Computes a Hash from `x`.
  var h: Hash = 0
  h = h !& hash(x.foo)
  h = h !& hash(x.bar)
  result = !$h




Hash = int
a hash value; hash tables using these values should always have a size of a power of two and can use the and operator instead of mod for truncation of the hash value.


proc `!&`(h: Hash; val: int): Hash {...}{.inline, raises: [], tags: [].}
mixes a hash value h with val to produce a new hash value. This is only needed if you need to implement a hash proc for a new datatype.
proc `!$`(h: Hash): Hash {...}{.inline, raises: [], tags: [].}
finishes the computation of the hash value. This is only needed if you need to implement a hash proc for a new datatype.
proc hashData(data: pointer; size: int): Hash {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}
hashes an array of bytes of size size
proc hash(x: pointer): Hash {...}{.inline, raises: [], tags: [].}
efficient hashing of pointers
proc hash[T: proc](x: T): Hash {...}{.inline.}
efficient hashing of proc vars; closures are supported too.
proc hash(x: int): Hash {...}{.inline, raises: [], tags: [].}
efficient hashing of integers
proc hash(x: int64): Hash {...}{.inline, raises: [], tags: [].}
efficient hashing of int64 integers
proc hash(x: uint): Hash {...}{.inline, raises: [], tags: [].}
efficient hashing of unsigned integers
proc hash(x: uint64): Hash {...}{.inline, raises: [], tags: [].}
efficient hashing of uint64 integers
proc hash(x: char): Hash {...}{.inline, raises: [], tags: [].}
efficient hashing of characters
proc hash[T: Ordinal](x: T): Hash {...}{.inline.}
efficient hashing of other ordinal types (e.g., enums)
proc hash(x: string): Hash {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}
efficient hashing of strings
proc hash(x: cstring): Hash {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}
efficient hashing of null-terminated strings
proc hash(sBuf: string; sPos, ePos: int): Hash {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}

efficient hashing of a string buffer, from starting position sPos to ending position ePos

hash(myStr, 0, myStr.high) is equivalent to hash(myStr)

proc hashIgnoreStyle(x: string): Hash {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}
efficient hashing of strings; style is ignored
proc hashIgnoreStyle(sBuf: string; sPos, ePos: int): Hash {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}

efficient hashing of a string buffer, from starting position sPos to ending position ePos; style is ignored

hashIgnoreStyle(myBuf, 0, myBuf.high) is equivalent to hashIgnoreStyle(myBuf)

proc hashIgnoreCase(x: string): Hash {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}
efficient hashing of strings; case is ignored
proc hashIgnoreCase(sBuf: string; sPos, ePos: int): Hash {...}{.raises: [], tags: [].}

efficient hashing of a string buffer, from starting position sPos to ending position ePos; case is ignored

hashIgnoreCase(myBuf, 0, myBuf.high) is equivalent to hashIgnoreCase(myBuf)

proc hash(x: float): Hash {...}{.inline, raises: [], tags: [].}
efficient hashing of floats.
proc hash[T: tuple](x: T): Hash
efficient hashing of tuples.
proc hash[A](x: openArray[A]): Hash
efficient hashing of arrays and sequences.
proc hash[A](aBuf: openArray[A]; sPos, ePos: int): Hash

efficient hashing of portions of arrays and sequences.

hash(myBuf, 0, myBuf.high) is equivalent to hash(myBuf)

proc hash[A](x: set[A]): Hash
efficient hashing of sets.

© 2006–2018 Andreas Rumpf
Licensed under the MIT License.