
/OpenJDK 21

Interface TypeDescriptor.OfMethod<F extends TypeDescriptor.OfField<F>,M extends TypeDescriptor.OfMethod<F,M>>

Type Parameters:
F - the type representing field type descriptors
M - the class implementing TypeDescriptor.OfMethod
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Enclosing interface:
public static interface TypeDescriptor.OfMethod<F extends TypeDescriptor.OfField<F>,M extends TypeDescriptor.OfMethod<F,M>> extends TypeDescriptor
An entity that has a method type descriptor Method descriptors conforming to JVMS 4.3.3 can be described nominally via MethodType::describeConstable; otherwise they cannot be described nominally.
See Java Virtual Machine Specification:
4.3.2 Field Descriptors
4.3.3 Method Descriptors

Nested Class Summary

Nested classes/interfaces declared in interface java.lang.invoke.TypeDescriptor

TypeDescriptor.OfField<F extends TypeDescriptor.OfField<F>>, TypeDescriptor.OfMethod<F extends TypeDescriptor.OfField<F>,M extends TypeDescriptor.OfMethod<F,M>>

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method Description
M changeParameterType(int index, F paramType)
Return a method descriptor that is identical to this one, except that a single parameter type has been changed to the specified type.
M changeReturnType(F newReturn)
Return a method descriptor that is identical to this one, except that the return type has been changed to the specified type
M dropParameterTypes(int start, int end)
Return a method descriptor that is identical to this one, except that a range of parameter types have been removed.
M insertParameterTypes(int pos, F... paramTypes)
Return a method descriptor that is identical to this one, except that a range of additional parameter types have been inserted.
F[] parameterArray()
Return an array of field descriptors for the parameter types of the method type described by this descriptor
int parameterCount()
Return the number of parameters in the method type
List<F> parameterList()
Return an immutable list of field descriptors for the parameter types of the method type described by this descriptor
F parameterType(int i)
Return a field descriptor describing the requested parameter of the method type described by this descriptor
F returnType()
Return a field descriptor describing the return type of the method type described by this descriptor

Methods declared in interface java.lang.invoke.TypeDescriptor


Method Details


int parameterCount()
Return the number of parameters in the method type
the number of parameters


F parameterType(int i)
Return a field descriptor describing the requested parameter of the method type described by this descriptor
i - the index of the parameter
a field descriptor for the requested parameter type
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the index is outside the half-open range {[0, parameterCount)}


F returnType()
Return a field descriptor describing the return type of the method type described by this descriptor
a field descriptor for the return type


F[] parameterArray()
Return an array of field descriptors for the parameter types of the method type described by this descriptor
field descriptors for the parameter types


List<F> parameterList()
Return an immutable list of field descriptors for the parameter types of the method type described by this descriptor
field descriptors for the parameter types


M changeReturnType(F newReturn)
Return a method descriptor that is identical to this one, except that the return type has been changed to the specified type
newReturn - a field descriptor for the new return type
the new method descriptor
NullPointerException - if any argument is null


M changeParameterType(int index, F paramType)
Return a method descriptor that is identical to this one, except that a single parameter type has been changed to the specified type.
index - the index of the parameter to change
paramType - a field descriptor describing the new parameter type
the new method descriptor
NullPointerException - if any argument is null
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if the index is outside the half-open range {[0, parameterCount)}


M dropParameterTypes(int start, int end)
Return a method descriptor that is identical to this one, except that a range of parameter types have been removed.
start - the index of the first parameter to remove
end - the index after the last parameter to remove
the new method descriptor
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if start is outside the half-open range [0, parameterCount), or end is outside the closed range [0, parameterCount], or if start > end


M insertParameterTypes(int pos, F... paramTypes)
Return a method descriptor that is identical to this one, except that a range of additional parameter types have been inserted.
pos - the index at which to insert the first inserted parameter
paramTypes - field descriptors describing the new parameter types to insert
the new method descriptor
NullPointerException - if any argument is null
IndexOutOfBoundsException - if pos is outside the closed range {[0, parameterCount]}

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