
/OpenJDK 21

Interface System.Logger

Enclosing class:
public static interface System.Logger
System.Logger instances log messages that will be routed to the underlying logging framework the LoggerFinder uses. System.Logger instances are typically obtained from the System class, by calling System.getLogger(loggerName) or System.getLogger(loggerName, bundle).
See Also:

Nested Class Summary

Modifier and Type Interface Description
static enum  System.Logger.Level
System loggers levels.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method Description
String getName()
Returns the name of this logger.
boolean isLoggable(System.Logger.Level level)
Checks if a message of the given level would be logged by this logger.
default void log(System.Logger.Level level, Object obj)
Logs a message produced from the given object.
default void log(System.Logger.Level level, String msg)
Logs a message.
default void log(System.Logger.Level level, String format, Object... params)
Logs a message with an optional list of parameters.
default void log(System.Logger.Level level, String msg, Throwable thrown)
Logs a message associated with a given throwable.
default void log(System.Logger.Level level, Supplier<String> msgSupplier)
Logs a lazily supplied message.
default void log(System.Logger.Level level, Supplier<String> msgSupplier, Throwable thrown)
Logs a lazily supplied message associated with a given throwable.
void log(System.Logger.Level level, ResourceBundle bundle, String format, Object... params)
Logs a message with resource bundle and an optional list of parameters.
void log(System.Logger.Level level, ResourceBundle bundle, String msg, Throwable thrown)
Logs a localized message associated with a given throwable.

Method Details


String getName()
Returns the name of this logger.
the logger name.


boolean isLoggable(System.Logger.Level level)
Checks if a message of the given level would be logged by this logger.
level - the log message level.
true if the given log message level is currently being logged.
NullPointerException - if level is null.


default void log(System.Logger.Level level, String msg)
Logs a message.
Implementation Requirements:
The default implementation for this method calls this.log(level, (ResourceBundle)null, msg, (Object[])null);
level - the log message level.
msg - the string message (or a key in the message catalog, if this logger is a localized logger); can be null.
NullPointerException - if level is null.


default void log(System.Logger.Level level, Supplier<String> msgSupplier)
Logs a lazily supplied message. If the logger is currently enabled for the given log message level then a message is logged that is the result produced by the given supplier function. Otherwise, the supplier is not operated on.
Implementation Requirements:
When logging is enabled for the given level, the default implementation for this method calls this.log(level, (ResourceBundle)null, msgSupplier.get(), (Object[])null);
level - the log message level.
msgSupplier - a supplier function that produces a message.
NullPointerException - if level is null, or msgSupplier is null.


default void log(System.Logger.Level level, Object obj)
Logs a message produced from the given object. If the logger is currently enabled for the given log message level then a message is logged that, by default, is the result produced from calling toString on the given object. Otherwise, the object is not operated on.
Implementation Requirements:
When logging is enabled for the given level, the default implementation for this method calls this.log(level, (ResourceBundle)null, obj.toString(), (Object[])null);
level - the log message level.
obj - the object to log.
NullPointerException - if level is null, or obj is null.


default void log(System.Logger.Level level, String msg, Throwable thrown)
Logs a message associated with a given throwable.
Implementation Requirements:
The default implementation for this method calls this.log(level, (ResourceBundle)null, msg, thrown);
level - the log message level.
msg - the string message (or a key in the message catalog, if this logger is a localized logger); can be null.
thrown - a Throwable associated with the log message; can be null.
NullPointerException - if level is null.


default void log(System.Logger.Level level, Supplier<String> msgSupplier, Throwable thrown)
Logs a lazily supplied message associated with a given throwable. If the logger is currently enabled for the given log message level then a message is logged that is the result produced by the given supplier function. Otherwise, the supplier is not operated on.
Implementation Requirements:
When logging is enabled for the given level, the default implementation for this method calls this.log(level, (ResourceBundle)null, msgSupplier.get(), thrown);
level - one of the log message level identifiers.
msgSupplier - a supplier function that produces a message.
thrown - a Throwable associated with log message; can be null.
NullPointerException - if level is null, or msgSupplier is null.


default void log(System.Logger.Level level, String format, Object... params)
Logs a message with an optional list of parameters.
Implementation Requirements:
The default implementation for this method calls this.log(level, (ResourceBundle)null, format, params);
level - one of the log message level identifiers.
format - the string message format in MessageFormat format, (or a key in the message catalog, if this logger is a localized logger); can be null.
params - an optional list of parameters to the message (may be none).
NullPointerException - if level is null.


void log(System.Logger.Level level, ResourceBundle bundle, String msg, Throwable thrown)
Logs a localized message associated with a given throwable. If the given resource bundle is non-null, the msg string is localized using the given resource bundle. Otherwise the msg string is not localized.
level - the log message level.
bundle - a resource bundle to localize msg; can be null.
msg - the string message (or a key in the message catalog, if bundle is not null); can be null.
thrown - a Throwable associated with the log message; can be null.
NullPointerException - if level is null.


void log(System.Logger.Level level, ResourceBundle bundle, String format, Object... params)
Logs a message with resource bundle and an optional list of parameters. If the given resource bundle is non-null, the format string is localized using the given resource bundle. Otherwise the format string is not localized.
level - the log message level.
bundle - a resource bundle to localize format; can be null.
format - the string message format in MessageFormat format, (or a key in the message catalog if bundle is not null); can be null.
params - an optional list of parameters to the message (may be none).
NullPointerException - if level is null.

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