
/OpenJDK 21

Interface CookiePolicy

public interface CookiePolicy
CookiePolicy implementations decide which cookies should be accepted and which should be rejected. Three pre-defined policy implementations are provided, namely ACCEPT_ALL, ACCEPT_NONE and ACCEPT_ORIGINAL_SERVER.

See RFC 2965 sec. 3.3 and 7 for more detail.


Field Summary

Modifier and Type Field Description
static final CookiePolicy ACCEPT_ALL
One pre-defined policy which accepts all cookies.
static final CookiePolicy ACCEPT_NONE
One pre-defined policy which accepts no cookies.
static final CookiePolicy ACCEPT_ORIGINAL_SERVER
One pre-defined policy which only accepts cookies from original server.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method Description
boolean shouldAccept(URI uri, HttpCookie cookie)
Will be called to see whether or not this cookie should be accepted.

Field Details


static final CookiePolicy ACCEPT_ALL
One pre-defined policy which accepts all cookies.


static final CookiePolicy ACCEPT_NONE
One pre-defined policy which accepts no cookies.


static final CookiePolicy ACCEPT_ORIGINAL_SERVER
One pre-defined policy which only accepts cookies from original server.

Method Details


boolean shouldAccept(URI uri, HttpCookie cookie)
Will be called to see whether or not this cookie should be accepted.
uri - the URI to consult accept policy with
cookie - the HttpCookie object in question
true if this cookie should be accepted; otherwise, false

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