
/OpenJDK 21

Class InetAddressResolver.LookupPolicy

Enclosing interface:
public static final class InetAddressResolver.LookupPolicy extends Object
A LookupPolicy object describes characteristics that can be applied to a lookup operation. In particular, it is used to specify the ordering and which filtering should be performed when looking up host addresses.

The default platform-wide lookup policy is constructed by consulting System Properties which affect how IPv4 and IPv6 addresses are returned.


Field Summary

Modifier and Type Field Description
static final int IPV4
Characteristic value signifying if IPv4 addresses need to be queried during lookup.
static final int IPV4_FIRST
Characteristic value signifying if IPv4 addresses should be returned first by InetAddressResolver.
static final int IPV6
Characteristic value signifying if IPv6 addresses need to be queried during lookup.
static final int IPV6_FIRST
Characteristic value signifying if IPv6 addresses should be returned first by InetAddressResolver.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method Description
int characteristics()
Returns the set of characteristics of this lookup policy.
static InetAddressResolver.LookupPolicy of(int characteristics)
This factory method creates a LookupPolicy instance with the given characteristics value.

Methods declared in class java.lang.Object

clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Details


@Native public static final int IPV4
Characteristic value signifying if IPv4 addresses need to be queried during lookup.
See Also:


@Native public static final int IPV6
Characteristic value signifying if IPv6 addresses need to be queried during lookup.
See Also:


@Native public static final int IPV4_FIRST
Characteristic value signifying if IPv4 addresses should be returned first by InetAddressResolver.
See Also:


@Native public static final int IPV6_FIRST
Characteristic value signifying if IPv6 addresses should be returned first by InetAddressResolver.
See Also:

Method Details


public static InetAddressResolver.LookupPolicy of(int characteristics)
This factory method creates a LookupPolicy instance with the given characteristics value.

The characteristics value is an integer bit mask which defines parameters of a forward lookup operation. These parameters define at least:

  • the family type of the returned addresses
  • the order in which a resolver implementation should return its results

To request addresses of specific family types the following bit masks can be combined:

  • IPV4: to request IPv4 addresses
  • IPV6: to request IPv6 addresses

It is an error if neither IPV4 or IPV6 are set.

To request a specific ordering of the results:

  • IPV4_FIRST: return IPv4 addresses before any IPv6 address
  • IPV6_FIRST: return IPv6 addresses before any IPv4 address

If neither IPV4_FIRST or IPV6_FIRST are set it implies "system" order of addresses. It is an error to request both IPV4_FIRST and IPV6_FIRST.
characteristics - a value which represents the set of lookup characteristics
an instance of InetAddressResolver.LookupPolicy
IllegalArgumentException - if an illegal characteristics bit mask is provided
See Also:


public int characteristics()
Returns the set of characteristics of this lookup policy.
a characteristics value
See Also:

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