
/OpenJDK 21

Class StructuredTaskScope.ShutdownOnFailure

All Implemented Interfaces:
Enclosing class:
public static final class StructuredTaskScope.ShutdownOnFailure extends StructuredTaskScopePREVIEW<Object>
ShutdownOnFailure is a preview API of the Java platform.
Programs can only use ShutdownOnFailure when preview features are enabled.
Preview features may be removed in a future release, or upgraded to permanent features of the Java platform.
A StructuredTaskScope that captures the exception of the first subtask to failPREVIEW. Once captured, it shuts downPREVIEW the task scope to interrupt unfinished threads and wakeup the task scope owner. The policy implemented by this class is intended for cases where the results for all subtasks are required ("invoke all"); if any subtask fails then the results of other unfinished subtasks are no longer needed.

Unless otherwise specified, passing a null argument to a method in this class will cause a NullPointerException to be thrown.

API Note:
This class implements a policy to shut down the task scope when a subtask fails. There shouldn't be any need to directly shut down the task scope with the shutdownPREVIEW method.

Nested Class Summary

Constructor Summary

Constructor Description
Constructs a new unnamed ShutdownOnFailure that creates virtual threads.
ShutdownOnFailure(String name, ThreadFactory factory)
Constructs a new ShutdownOnFailure with the given name and thread factory.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method Description
Optional<Throwable> exception()
Returns the exception of the first subtask that failedPREVIEW.
StructuredTaskScope.ShutdownOnFailurePREVIEW join()
Wait for all subtasks started in this task scope to complete or for a subtask to failPREVIEW.
StructuredTaskScope.ShutdownOnFailurePREVIEW joinUntil(Instant deadline)
Wait for all subtasks started in this task scope to complete or for a subtask to failPREVIEW, up to the given deadline.
void throwIfFailed()
Throws if a subtask failedPREVIEW.
<X extends Throwable>
throwIfFailed(Function<Throwable,? extends X> esf)
Throws the exception produced by the given exception supplying function if a subtask failedPREVIEW.

Methods declared in class java.util.concurrent.StructuredTaskScopePREVIEW

close, ensureOwnerAndJoined, fork, handleComplete, isShutdown, shutdown

Methods declared in class java.lang.Object

clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Details


public ShutdownOnFailure(String name, ThreadFactory factory)
Constructs a new ShutdownOnFailure with the given name and thread factory. The task scope is optionally named for the purposes of monitoring and management. The thread factory is used to create threads when subtasks are forkedPREVIEW. The task scope is owned by the current thread.

Construction captures the current thread's scoped valuePREVIEW bindings for inheritance by threads started in the task scope. The Tree Structure section in the class description details how parent-child relations are established implicitly for the purpose of inheritance of scoped value bindings.

name - the name of the task scope, can be null
factory - the thread factory


public ShutdownOnFailure()
Constructs a new unnamed ShutdownOnFailure that creates virtual threads.
Implementation Requirements:
This constructor is equivalent to invoking the 2-arg constructor with a name of null and a thread factory that creates virtual threads.

Method Details


public StructuredTaskScope.ShutdownOnFailurePREVIEW join() throws InterruptedException
Wait for all subtasks started in this task scope to complete or for a subtask to failPREVIEW.

This method waits for all subtasks by waiting for all threads startedPREVIEW in this task scope to finish execution. It stops waiting when all threads finish, a subtask fails, or the current thread is interrupted. It also stops waiting if the shutdownPREVIEW method is invoked directly to shut down this task scope.

This method may only be invoked by the task scope owner.

join in class StructuredTaskScopePREVIEW<Object>
this task scope
IllegalStateException - if this task scope is closed
WrongThreadException - if the current thread is not the task scope owner
InterruptedException - if interrupted while waiting


public StructuredTaskScope.ShutdownOnFailurePREVIEW joinUntil(Instant deadline) throws InterruptedException, TimeoutException
Wait for all subtasks started in this task scope to complete or for a subtask to failPREVIEW, up to the given deadline.

This method waits for all subtasks by waiting for all threads startedPREVIEW in this task scope to finish execution. It stops waiting when all threads finish, a subtask fails, the deadline is reached, or the current thread is interrupted. It also stops waiting if the shutdownPREVIEW method is invoked directly to shut down this task scope.

This method may only be invoked by the task scope owner.

joinUntil in class StructuredTaskScopePREVIEW<Object>
deadline - the deadline
this task scope
IllegalStateException - if this task scope is closed
WrongThreadException - if the current thread is not the task scope owner
InterruptedException - if interrupted while waiting
TimeoutException - if the deadline is reached while waiting


public Optional<Throwable> exception()
Returns the exception of the first subtask that failedPREVIEW. If no subtasks failed then an empty Optional is returned.
the exception for the first subtask to fail or an empty optional if no subtasks failed
WrongThreadException - if the current thread is not the task scope owner
IllegalStateException - if the task scope owner did not join after forking


public void throwIfFailed() throws ExecutionException
Throws if a subtask failedPREVIEW. If any subtask failed with an exception then ExecutionException is thrown with the exception of the first subtask to fail as the cause. This method does nothing if no subtasks failed.
ExecutionException - if a subtask failed
WrongThreadException - if the current thread is not the task scope owner
IllegalStateException - if the task scope owner did not join after forking


public <X extends Throwable> void throwIfFailed(Function<Throwable,? extends X> esf) throws X
Throws the exception produced by the given exception supplying function if a subtask failedPREVIEW. If any subtask failed with an exception then the function is invoked with the exception of the first subtask to fail. The exception returned by the function is thrown. This method does nothing if no subtasks failed.
Type Parameters:
X - type of the exception to be thrown
esf - the exception supplying function
X - produced by the exception supplying function
WrongThreadException - if the current thread is not the task scope owner
IllegalStateException - if the task scope owner did not join after forking

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