
/OpenJDK 21

Class ZipEntry

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
public class ZipEntry extends Object implements Cloneable
This class is used to represent a ZIP file entry.

Field Summary

Modifier and Type Field Description
static final int CENATT
Central directory (CEN) header internal file attributes field offset.
static final int CENATX
Central directory (CEN) header external file attributes field offset.
static final int CENCOM
Central directory (CEN) header comment length field offset.
static final int CENCRC
Central directory (CEN) header uncompressed file crc-32 value field offset.
static final int CENDSK
Central directory (CEN) header disk number start field offset.
static final int CENEXT
Central directory (CEN) header extra field length field offset.
static final int CENFLG
Central directory (CEN) header encrypt, decrypt flags field offset.
static final int CENHDR
Central directory (CEN) header size in bytes (including signature).
static final int CENHOW
Central directory (CEN) header compression method field offset.
static final int CENLEN
Central directory (CEN) header uncompressed size field offset.
static final int CENNAM
Central directory (CEN) header filename length field offset.
static final int CENOFF
Central directory (CEN) header LOC header offset field offset.
static final long CENSIG
Central directory (CEN) header signature.
static final int CENSIZ
Central directory (CEN) header compressed size field offset.
static final int CENTIM
Central directory (CEN) header modification time field offset.
static final int CENVEM
Central directory (CEN) header version made by field offset.
static final int CENVER
Central directory (CEN) header version needed to extract field offset.
static final int DEFLATED
Compression method for compressed (deflated) entries.
static final int ENDCOM
End of central directory (END) header zip file comment length field offset.
static final int ENDHDR
End of central directory (END) header size in bytes (including signature).
static final int ENDOFF
End of central directory (END) header offset for the first CEN header field offset.
static final long ENDSIG
End of central directory (END) header signature.
static final int ENDSIZ
End of central directory (END) header central directory size in bytes field offset.
static final int ENDSUB
End of central directory (END) header number of entries on this disk field offset.
static final int ENDTOT
End of central directory (END) header total number of entries field offset.
static final int EXTCRC
Extra local (EXT) header uncompressed file crc-32 value field offset.
static final int EXTHDR
Extra local (EXT) header size in bytes (including signature).
static final int EXTLEN
Extra local (EXT) header uncompressed size field offset.
static final long EXTSIG
Extra local (EXT) header signature.
static final int EXTSIZ
Extra local (EXT) header compressed size field offset.
static final int LOCCRC
Local file (LOC) header uncompressed file crc-32 value field offset.
static final int LOCEXT
Local file (LOC) header extra field length field offset.
static final int LOCFLG
Local file (LOC) header general purpose bit flag field offset.
static final int LOCHDR
Local file (LOC) header size in bytes (including signature).
static final int LOCHOW
Local file (LOC) header compression method field offset.
static final int LOCLEN
Local file (LOC) header uncompressed size field offset.
static final int LOCNAM
Local file (LOC) header filename length field offset.
static final long LOCSIG
Local file (LOC) header signature.
static final int LOCSIZ
Local file (LOC) header compressed size field offset.
static final int LOCTIM
Local file (LOC) header modification time field offset.
static final int LOCVER
Local file (LOC) header version needed to extract field offset.
static final int STORED
Compression method for uncompressed entries.

Constructor Summary

Constructor Description
ZipEntry(String name)
Creates a new zip entry with the specified name.
ZipEntry(ZipEntry e)
Creates a new zip entry with fields taken from the specified zip entry.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method Description
Object clone()
Returns a copy of this entry.
String getComment()
Returns the comment string for the entry.
long getCompressedSize()
Returns the size of the compressed entry data.
long getCrc()
Returns the CRC-32 checksum of the uncompressed entry data.
FileTime getCreationTime()
Returns the creation time of the entry.
byte[] getExtra()
Returns the extra field data for the entry.
FileTime getLastAccessTime()
Returns the last access time of the entry.
FileTime getLastModifiedTime()
Returns the last modification time of the entry.
int getMethod()
Returns the compression method of the entry.
String getName()
Returns the name of the entry.
long getSize()
Returns the uncompressed size of the entry data.
long getTime()
Returns the last modification time of the entry.
LocalDateTime getTimeLocal()
Returns the last modification time of the entry in local date-time.
int hashCode()
Returns the hash code value for this entry.
boolean isDirectory()
Returns true if this is a directory entry.
void setComment(String comment)
Sets the optional comment string for the entry.
void setCompressedSize(long csize)
Sets the size of the compressed entry data.
void setCrc(long crc)
Sets the CRC-32 checksum of the uncompressed entry data.
ZipEntry setCreationTime(FileTime time)
Sets the creation time of the entry.
void setExtra(byte[] extra)
Sets the optional extra field data for the entry.
ZipEntry setLastAccessTime(FileTime time)
Sets the last access time of the entry.
ZipEntry setLastModifiedTime(FileTime time)
Sets the last modification time of the entry.
void setMethod(int method)
Sets the compression method for the entry.
void setSize(long size)
Sets the uncompressed size of the entry data.
void setTime(long time)
Sets the last modification time of the entry.
void setTimeLocal(LocalDateTime time)
Sets the last modification time of the entry in local date-time.
String toString()
Returns a string representation of the ZIP entry.

Methods declared in class java.lang.Object

equals, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Details


public static final int STORED
Compression method for uncompressed entries.
See Also:


public static final int DEFLATED
Compression method for compressed (deflated) entries.
See Also:


static final long LOCSIG
Local file (LOC) header signature.
See Also:


static final long EXTSIG
Extra local (EXT) header signature.
See Also:


static final long CENSIG
Central directory (CEN) header signature.
See Also:


static final long ENDSIG
End of central directory (END) header signature.
See Also:


static final int LOCHDR
Local file (LOC) header size in bytes (including signature).
See Also:


static final int EXTHDR
Extra local (EXT) header size in bytes (including signature).
See Also:


static final int CENHDR
Central directory (CEN) header size in bytes (including signature).
See Also:


static final int ENDHDR
End of central directory (END) header size in bytes (including signature).
See Also:


static final int LOCVER
Local file (LOC) header version needed to extract field offset.
See Also:


static final int LOCFLG
Local file (LOC) header general purpose bit flag field offset.
See Also:


static final int LOCHOW
Local file (LOC) header compression method field offset.
See Also:


static final int LOCTIM
Local file (LOC) header modification time field offset.
See Also:


static final int LOCCRC
Local file (LOC) header uncompressed file crc-32 value field offset.
See Also:


static final int LOCSIZ
Local file (LOC) header compressed size field offset.
See Also:


static final int LOCLEN
Local file (LOC) header uncompressed size field offset.
See Also:


static final int LOCNAM
Local file (LOC) header filename length field offset.
See Also:


static final int LOCEXT
Local file (LOC) header extra field length field offset.
See Also:


static final int EXTCRC
Extra local (EXT) header uncompressed file crc-32 value field offset.
See Also:


static final int EXTSIZ
Extra local (EXT) header compressed size field offset.
See Also:


static final int EXTLEN
Extra local (EXT) header uncompressed size field offset.
See Also:


static final int CENVEM
Central directory (CEN) header version made by field offset.
See Also:


static final int CENVER
Central directory (CEN) header version needed to extract field offset.
See Also:


static final int CENFLG
Central directory (CEN) header encrypt, decrypt flags field offset.
See Also:


static final int CENHOW
Central directory (CEN) header compression method field offset.
See Also:


static final int CENTIM
Central directory (CEN) header modification time field offset.
See Also:


static final int CENCRC
Central directory (CEN) header uncompressed file crc-32 value field offset.
See Also:


static final int CENSIZ
Central directory (CEN) header compressed size field offset.
See Also:


static final int CENLEN
Central directory (CEN) header uncompressed size field offset.
See Also:


static final int CENNAM
Central directory (CEN) header filename length field offset.
See Also:


static final int CENEXT
Central directory (CEN) header extra field length field offset.
See Also:


static final int CENCOM
Central directory (CEN) header comment length field offset.
See Also:


static final int CENDSK
Central directory (CEN) header disk number start field offset.
See Also:


static final int CENATT
Central directory (CEN) header internal file attributes field offset.
See Also:


static final int CENATX
Central directory (CEN) header external file attributes field offset.
See Also:


static final int CENOFF
Central directory (CEN) header LOC header offset field offset.
See Also:


static final int ENDSUB
End of central directory (END) header number of entries on this disk field offset.
See Also:


static final int ENDTOT
End of central directory (END) header total number of entries field offset.
See Also:


static final int ENDSIZ
End of central directory (END) header central directory size in bytes field offset.
See Also:


static final int ENDOFF
End of central directory (END) header offset for the first CEN header field offset.
See Also:


static final int ENDCOM
End of central directory (END) header zip file comment length field offset.
See Also:

Constructor Details


public ZipEntry(String name)
Creates a new zip entry with the specified name.
name - The entry name
NullPointerException - if the entry name is null
IllegalArgumentException - if the entry name is longer than 0xFFFF bytes


public ZipEntry(ZipEntry e)
Creates a new zip entry with fields taken from the specified zip entry.
e - A zip Entry object
NullPointerException - if the entry object is null

Method Details


public String getName()
Returns the name of the entry.
the name of the entry


public void setTime(long time)
Sets the last modification time of the entry.

If the entry is output to a ZIP file or ZIP file formatted output stream the last modification time set by this method will be stored into the date and time fields of the zip file entry and encoded in standard MS-DOS date and time format. The default TimeZone is used to convert the epoch time to the MS-DOS date and time.

time - The last modification time of the entry in milliseconds since the epoch
See Also:


public long getTime()
Returns the last modification time of the entry.

If the entry is read from a ZIP file or ZIP file formatted input stream, this is the last modification time from the date and time fields of the zip file entry. The default TimeZone is used to convert the standard MS-DOS formatted date and time to the epoch time.

The last modification time of the entry in milliseconds since the epoch, or -1 if not specified
See Also:


public void setTimeLocal(LocalDateTime time)
Sets the last modification time of the entry in local date-time.

If the entry is output to a ZIP file or ZIP file formatted output stream the last modification time set by this method will be stored into the date and time fields of the zip file entry and encoded in standard MS-DOS date and time format. If the date-time set is out of the range of the standard MS-DOS date and time format, the time will also be stored into zip file entry's extended timestamp fields in optional extra data in UTC time. The system default TimeZone is used to convert the local date-time to UTC time.

LocalDateTime uses a precision of nanoseconds, whereas this class uses a precision of milliseconds. The conversion will truncate any excess precision information as though the amount in nanoseconds was subject to integer division by one million.

time - The last modification time of the entry in local date-time
See Also:


public LocalDateTime getTimeLocal()
Returns the last modification time of the entry in local date-time.

If the entry is read from a ZIP file or ZIP file formatted input stream, this is the last modification time from the zip file entry's optional extra data if the extended timestamp fields are present. Otherwise, the last modification time is read from entry's standard MS-DOS formatted date and time fields.

The system default TimeZone is used to convert the UTC time to local date-time.

The last modification time of the entry in local date-time
See Also:


public ZipEntry setLastModifiedTime(FileTime time)
Sets the last modification time of the entry.

When output to a ZIP file or ZIP file formatted output stream the last modification time set by this method will be stored into zip file entry's date and time fields in standard MS-DOS date and time format), and the extended timestamp fields in optional extra data in UTC time.

time - The last modification time of the entry
This zip entry
NullPointerException - if the time is null
See Also:


public FileTime getLastModifiedTime()
Returns the last modification time of the entry.

If the entry is read from a ZIP file or ZIP file formatted input stream, this is the last modification time from the zip file entry's optional extra data if the extended timestamp fields are present. Otherwise the last modification time is read from the entry's date and time fields, the default TimeZone is used to convert the standard MS-DOS formatted date and time to the epoch time.

The last modification time of the entry, null if not specified
See Also:


public ZipEntry setLastAccessTime(FileTime time)
Sets the last access time of the entry.

If set, the last access time will be stored into the extended timestamp fields of entry's optional extra data, when output to a ZIP file or ZIP file formatted stream.

time - The last access time of the entry
This zip entry
NullPointerException - if the time is null
See Also:


public FileTime getLastAccessTime()
Returns the last access time of the entry.

The last access time is from the extended timestamp fields of entry's optional extra data when read from a ZIP file or ZIP file formatted stream.

The last access time of the entry, null if not specified
See Also:


public ZipEntry setCreationTime(FileTime time)
Sets the creation time of the entry.

If set, the creation time will be stored into the extended timestamp fields of entry's optional extra data, when output to a ZIP file or ZIP file formatted stream.

time - The creation time of the entry
This zip entry
NullPointerException - if the time is null
See Also:


public FileTime getCreationTime()
Returns the creation time of the entry.

The creation time is from the extended timestamp fields of entry's optional extra data when read from a ZIP file or ZIP file formatted stream.

the creation time of the entry, null if not specified
See Also:


public void setSize(long size)
Sets the uncompressed size of the entry data.
size - the uncompressed size in bytes
IllegalArgumentException - if the specified size is less than 0, is greater than 0xFFFFFFFF when ZIP64 format is not supported, or is less than 0 when ZIP64 is supported
See Also:


public long getSize()
Returns the uncompressed size of the entry data.
the uncompressed size of the entry data, or -1 if not known
See Also:


public long getCompressedSize()
Returns the size of the compressed entry data.

In the case of a stored entry, the compressed size will be the same as the uncompressed size of the entry.

the size of the compressed entry data, or -1 if not known
See Also:


public void setCompressedSize(long csize)
Sets the size of the compressed entry data.
csize - the compressed size to set
See Also:


public void setCrc(long crc)
Sets the CRC-32 checksum of the uncompressed entry data.
crc - the CRC-32 value
IllegalArgumentException - if the specified CRC-32 value is less than 0 or greater than 0xFFFFFFFF
See Also:


public long getCrc()
Returns the CRC-32 checksum of the uncompressed entry data.
the CRC-32 checksum of the uncompressed entry data, or -1 if not known
See Also:


public void setMethod(int method)
Sets the compression method for the entry.
method - the compression method, either STORED or DEFLATED
IllegalArgumentException - if the specified compression method is invalid
See Also:


public int getMethod()
Returns the compression method of the entry.
the compression method of the entry, or -1 if not specified
See Also:


public void setExtra(byte[] extra)
Sets the optional extra field data for the entry.

Invoking this method may change this entry's last modification time, last access time and creation time, if the extra field data includes the extensible timestamp fields, such as NTFS tag 0x0001 or Info-ZIP Extended Timestamp, as specified in Info-ZIP Application Note 970311.

extra - The extra field data bytes
IllegalArgumentException - if the length of the specified extra field data is greater than 0xFFFF bytes
See Also:


public byte[] getExtra()
Returns the extra field data for the entry.
the extra field data for the entry, or null if none
See Also:


public void setComment(String comment)
Sets the optional comment string for the entry.

ZIP entry comments have maximum length of 0xffff. If the length of the specified comment string is greater than 0xFFFF bytes after encoding, only the first 0xFFFF bytes are output to the ZIP file entry.

comment - the comment string
See Also:


public String getComment()
Returns the comment string for the entry.
the comment string for the entry, or null if none
See Also:


public boolean isDirectory()
Returns true if this is a directory entry. A directory entry is defined to be one whose name ends with a '/'.
true if this is a directory entry


public String toString()
Returns a string representation of the ZIP entry.
toString in class Object
a string representation of the object.


public int hashCode()
Returns the hash code value for this entry.
hashCode in class Object
a hash code value for this object.
See Also:


public Object clone()
Returns a copy of this entry.
clone in class Object
a clone of this instance.
See Also:

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