
/OpenJDK 21

Interface ModuleElement

All Superinterfaces:
AnnotatedConstruct, Element, QualifiedNameable
public interface ModuleElement extends Element, QualifiedNameable
Represents a module program element. Provides access to information about the module, its directives, and its members.
API Note:
The represented module may have an explicit reference representation (either source code or executable output) or may be created from implicit information. The explicit and standalone source code construct for a module is typically a module-info.java file (JLS 7.7). Automatic modules (JLS 7.7.1) are named modules that do not have a module-info file. Implicit information is used to model unnamed modules.

In the context of annotation processing, a module element can be:

  • created from the initial inputs to a run of the tool
  • queried for in the configured environment
See Java Language Specification:
7.7 Module Declarations
See Also:

Nested Class Summary

Modifier and Type Interface Description
static interface  ModuleElement.Directive
Represents a directive within the declaration of this module.
static enum  ModuleElement.DirectiveKind
The kind of a directive.
static interface  ModuleElement.DirectiveVisitor<R,P>
A visitor of module directives, in the style of the visitor design pattern.
static interface  ModuleElement.ExportsDirective
An exported package of a module.
static interface  ModuleElement.OpensDirective
An opened package of a module.
static interface  ModuleElement.ProvidesDirective
An implementation of a service provided by a module.
static interface  ModuleElement.RequiresDirective
A dependency of a module.
static interface  ModuleElement.UsesDirective
A reference to a service used by a module.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method Description
TypeMirror asType()
Returns a pseudo-type for this module.
List<? extends ModuleElement.Directive> getDirectives()
Returns the directives contained in the declaration of this module.
List<? extends Element> getEnclosedElements()
Returns the packages within this module.
Element getEnclosingElement()
Returns null since a module is not enclosed by another element.
Name getQualifiedName()
Returns the fully qualified name of this module.
Name getSimpleName()
Returns the simple name of this module.
boolean isOpen()
Returns true if this is an open module and false otherwise.
boolean isUnnamed()
Returns true if this is an unnamed module and false otherwise.

Methods declared in interface javax.lang.model.element.Element

accept, equals, getAnnotation, getAnnotationMirrors, getAnnotationsByType, getKind, getModifiers, hashCode

Method Details


TypeMirror asType()
Returns a pseudo-type for this module.
Specified by:
asType in interface Element
a pseudo-type for this module
See Also:


Name getQualifiedName()
Returns the fully qualified name of this module. For an unnamed module, an empty name is returned.
Specified by:
getQualifiedName in interface QualifiedNameable
API Note:
If the module name consists of one identifier, then this method returns that identifier, which is deemed to be module's fully qualified name despite not being in qualified form. If the module name consists of more than one identifier, then this method returns the entire name.
the fully qualified name of this module, or an empty name if this is an unnamed module
See Java Language Specification:
6.2 Names and Identifiers


Name getSimpleName()
Returns the simple name of this module. For an unnamed module, an empty name is returned.
Specified by:
getSimpleName in interface Element
API Note:
If the module name consists of one identifier, then this method returns that identifier. If the module name consists of more than one identifier, then this method returns the rightmost such identifier, which is deemed to be the module's simple name.
the simple name of this module or an empty name if this is an unnamed module
See Java Language Specification:
6.2 Names and Identifiers
See Also:


List<? extends Element> getEnclosedElements()
Returns the packages within this module.
Specified by:
getEnclosedElements in interface Element
the packages within this module
See Also:


boolean isOpen()
Returns true if this is an open module and false otherwise.
true if this is an open module and false otherwise


boolean isUnnamed()
Returns true if this is an unnamed module and false otherwise.
true if this is an unnamed module and false otherwise
See Java Language Specification:
7.7.5 Unnamed Modules


Element getEnclosingElement()
Returns null since a module is not enclosed by another element.
Specified by:
getEnclosingElement in interface Element
See Also:


List<? extends ModuleElement.Directive> getDirectives()
Returns the directives contained in the declaration of this module.
the directives in the declaration of this module

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Documentation extracted from Debian's OpenJDK Development Kit package.
Licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2, with the Classpath Exception.
Various third party code in OpenJDK is licensed under different licenses (see Debian package).
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