
/OpenJDK 21

Interface Elements

public interface Elements
Utility methods for operating on program elements.

Compatibility Note: Methods may be added to this interface in future releases of the platform.

See Also:

Nested Class Summary

Modifier and Type Interface Description
static enum  Elements.Origin
The origin of an element or other language model item.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method Description
List<? extends AnnotationMirror> getAllAnnotationMirrors(Element e)
Returns all annotations present on an element, whether directly present or present via inheritance.
List<? extends Element> getAllMembers(TypeElement type)
Returns all members of a type element, whether inherited or declared directly.
default Set<? extends ModuleElement> getAllModuleElements()
Returns all module elements in the current environment.
default Set<? extends PackageElement> getAllPackageElements(CharSequence name)
Returns all package elements with the given canonical name.
default Set<? extends TypeElement> getAllTypeElements(CharSequence name)
Returns all type elements with the given canonical name.
Name getBinaryName(TypeElement type)
Returns the binary name of a type element.
String getConstantExpression(Object value)
Returns the text of a constant expression representing a primitive value or a string.
String getDocComment(Element e)
Returns the text of the documentation ("Javadoc") comment of an element.
Map<? extends ExecutableElement,? extends AnnotationValue> getElementValuesWithDefaults(AnnotationMirror a)
Returns the values of an annotation's elements, including defaults.
default JavaFileObject getFileObjectOf(Element e)
Returns the file object for this element or null if there is no such file object.
default ModuleElement getModuleElement(CharSequence name)
Returns a module element given its fully qualified name.
default ModuleElement getModuleOf(Element e)
Returns the module of an element.
Name getName(CharSequence cs)
Returns a name with the same sequence of characters as the argument.
default Elements.Origin getOrigin(AnnotatedConstruct c, AnnotationMirror a)
Returns the origin of the given annotation mirror.
default Elements.Origin getOrigin(Element e)
Returns the origin of the given element.
default Elements.Origin getOrigin(ModuleElement m, ModuleElement.Directive directive)
Returns the origin of the given module directive.
default TypeElement getOutermostTypeElement(Element e)
Returns the outermost type element an element is contained in if such a containing element exists; otherwise returns null.
PackageElement getPackageElement(CharSequence name)
Returns a package given its fully qualified name if the package is uniquely determinable in the environment.
default PackageElement getPackageElement(ModuleElement module, CharSequence name)
Returns a package given its fully qualified name, as seen from the given module.
PackageElement getPackageOf(Element e)
Returns the package of an element.
TypeElement getTypeElement(CharSequence name)
Returns a type element given its canonical name if the type element is uniquely determinable in the environment.
default TypeElement getTypeElement(ModuleElement module, CharSequence name)
Returns a type element given its canonical name, as seen from the given module.
boolean hides(Element hider, Element hidden)
Tests whether one type, method, or field hides another.
default boolean isAutomaticModule(ModuleElement module)
Returns true if the module element is an automatic module, false otherwise.
default boolean isBridge(ExecutableElement e)
Returns true if the executable element is a bridge method, false otherwise.
default boolean isCanonicalConstructor(ExecutableElement e)
Returns true if the executable element can be determined to be a canonical constructor of a record, false otherwise.
default boolean isCompactConstructor(ExecutableElement e)
Returns true if the executable element can be determined to be a compact constructor of a record, false otherwise.
boolean isDeprecated(Element e)
Returns true if the element is deprecated, false otherwise.
boolean isFunctionalInterface(TypeElement type)
Returns true if the type element is a functional interface, false otherwise.
boolean overrides(ExecutableElement overrider, ExecutableElement overridden, TypeElement type)
Tests whether one method, as a member of a given class or interface, overrides another method.
void printElements(Writer w, Element... elements)
Prints a representation of the elements to the given writer in the specified order.
default RecordComponentElement recordComponentFor(ExecutableElement accessor)
Returns the record component for the given accessor.

Method Details


PackageElement getPackageElement(CharSequence name)
Returns a package given its fully qualified name if the package is uniquely determinable in the environment. If running with modules, packages of the given name are searched in a two-stage process: If this process leads to a list with a single element, the single element is returned, otherwise null is returned.
name - fully qualified package name, or an empty string for an unnamed package
the specified package, or null if no package can be uniquely determined.


default PackageElement getPackageElement(ModuleElement module, CharSequence name)
Returns a package given its fully qualified name, as seen from the given module.
Implementation Requirements:
The default implementation of this method returns null.
module - module relative to which the lookup should happen
name - fully qualified package name, or an empty string for an unnamed package
the specified package, or null if it cannot be found
See Also:


default Set<? extends PackageElement> getAllPackageElements(CharSequence name)
Returns all package elements with the given canonical name. There may be more than one package element with the same canonical name if the package elements are in different modules.
Implementation Requirements:
The default implementation of this method calls getAllModuleElements and stores the result. If the set of modules is empty, getPackageElement(name) is called passing through the name argument. If getPackageElement(name) is null, an empty set of package elements is returned; otherwise, a single-element set with the found package element is returned. If the set of modules is nonempty, the modules are iterated over and any non-null results of getPackageElement(module, name) are accumulated into a set. The set is then returned.
name - the canonical name
the package elements, or an empty set if no package with the name can be found
See Also:


TypeElement getTypeElement(CharSequence name)
Returns a type element given its canonical name if the type element is uniquely determinable in the environment. If running with modules, type elements of the given name are searched in a two-stage process: If this process leads to a list with a single element, the single element is returned, otherwise null is returned.
name - the canonical name
the named type element, or null if no type element can be uniquely determined.


default TypeElement getTypeElement(ModuleElement module, CharSequence name)
Returns a type element given its canonical name, as seen from the given module.
Implementation Requirements:
The default implementation of this method returns null.
module - module relative to which the lookup should happen
name - the canonical name
the named type element, or null if it cannot be found
See Also:


default Set<? extends TypeElement> getAllTypeElements(CharSequence name)
Returns all type elements with the given canonical name. There may be more than one type element with the same canonical name if the type elements are in different modules.
Implementation Requirements:
The default implementation of this method calls getAllModuleElements and stores the result. If the set of modules is empty, getTypeElement(name) is called passing through the name argument. If getTypeElement(name) is null, an empty set of type elements is returned; otherwise, a single-element set with the found type element is returned. If the set of modules is nonempty, the modules are iterated over and any non-null results of getTypeElement(module, name) are accumulated into a set. The set is then returned.
name - the canonical name
the type elements, or an empty set if no type with the name can be found
See Also:


default ModuleElement getModuleElement(CharSequence name)
Returns a module element given its fully qualified name. If the requested module cannot be found, null is returned. One situation where a module cannot be found is if the environment does not include modules, such as an annotation processing environment configured for a source version without modules.
Implementation Requirements:
The default implementation of this method returns null.
name - the name, or an empty string for an unnamed module
the named module element, or null if it cannot be found
See Also:


default Set<? extends ModuleElement> getAllModuleElements()
Returns all module elements in the current environment. If no modules are present, an empty set is returned. One situation where no modules are present occurs when the environment does not include modules, such as an annotation processing environment configured for a source version without modules.
API Note:
When an environment includes modules, both named modules and unnamed modules may be returned.
Implementation Requirements:
The default implementation of this method returns an empty set.
the known module elements, or an empty set if there are no modules
See Also:


Map<? extends ExecutableElement,? extends AnnotationValue> getElementValuesWithDefaults(AnnotationMirror a)
Returns the values of an annotation's elements, including defaults.
a - annotation to examine
the values of an annotation's elements, including defaults
See Also:


String getDocComment(Element e)
Returns the text of the documentation ("Javadoc") comment of an element.

A documentation comment of an element is a comment that begins with "/**", ends with a separate "*/", and immediately precedes the element, ignoring white space. Therefore, a documentation comment contains at least three "*" characters. The text returned for the documentation comment is a processed form of the comment as it appears in source code. The leading "/**" and trailing "*/" are removed. For lines of the comment starting after the initial "/**", leading white space characters are discarded as are any consecutive "*" characters appearing after the white space or starting the line. The processed lines are then concatenated together (including line terminators) and returned.

e - the element being examined
the documentation comment of the element, or null if there is none
See Java Language Specification:
3.6 White Space


boolean isDeprecated(Element e)
Returns true if the element is deprecated, false otherwise.
e - the element being examined
true if the element is deprecated, false otherwise


default Elements.Origin getOrigin(Element e)
Returns the origin of the given element.

Note that if this method returns EXPLICIT and the element was created from a class file, then the element may not, in fact, correspond to an explicitly declared construct in source code. This is due to limitations of the fidelity of the class file format in preserving information from source code. For example, at least some versions of the class file format do not preserve whether a constructor was explicitly declared by the programmer or was implicitly declared as the default constructor.

Implementation Requirements:
The default implementation of this method returns EXPLICIT.
e - the element being examined
the origin of the given element


default Elements.Origin getOrigin(AnnotatedConstruct c, AnnotationMirror a)
Returns the origin of the given annotation mirror. An annotation mirror is mandated if it is an implicitly declared container annotation used to hold repeated annotations of a repeatable annotation interface.

Note that if this method returns EXPLICIT and the annotation mirror was created from a class file, then the element may not, in fact, correspond to an explicitly declared construct in source code. This is due to limitations of the fidelity of the class file format in preserving information from source code. For example, at least some versions of the class file format do not preserve whether an annotation was explicitly declared by the programmer or was implicitly declared as a container annotation.

Implementation Requirements:
The default implementation of this method returns EXPLICIT.
c - the construct the annotation mirror modifies
a - the annotation mirror being examined
the origin of the given annotation mirror
See Java Language Specification:
9.6.3 Repeatable Annotation Interfaces
9.7.5 Multiple Annotations of the Same Interface


default Elements.Origin getOrigin(ModuleElement m, ModuleElement.Directive directive)
Returns the origin of the given module directive.

Note that if this method returns EXPLICIT and the module directive was created from a class file, then the module directive may not, in fact, correspond to an explicitly declared construct in source code. This is due to limitations of the fidelity of the class file format in preserving information from source code. For example, at least some versions of the class file format do not preserve whether a uses directive was explicitly declared by the programmer or was added as a synthetic construct.

Note that an implementation may not be able to reliably determine the origin status of the directive if the directive is created from a class file due to limitations of the fidelity of the class file format in preserving information from source code.

Implementation Requirements:
The default implementation of this method returns EXPLICIT.
m - the module of the directive
directive - the module directive being examined
the origin of the given module directive


default boolean isBridge(ExecutableElement e)
Returns true if the executable element is a bridge method, false otherwise.
Implementation Requirements:
The default implementation of this method returns false.
e - the executable being examined
true if the executable element is a bridge method, false otherwise


Name getBinaryName(TypeElement type)
Returns the binary name of a type element.
type - the type element being examined
the binary name of a type element
See Java Language Specification:
13.1 The Form of a Binary
See Also:


PackageElement getPackageOf(Element e)
Returns the package of an element. The package of a package is itself. The package of a module is null. The package of a top-level class or interface is its enclosing package. Otherwise, the package of an element is equal to the package of the enclosing element.
e - the element being examined
the package of an element


default ModuleElement getModuleOf(Element e)
Returns the module of an element. The module of a module is itself. If a package has a module as its enclosing element, that module is the module of the package. If the enclosing element of a package is null, null is returned for the package's module. (One situation where a package may have a null module is if the environment does not include modules, such as an annotation processing environment configured for a source version without modules.) Otherwise, the module of an element is equal to the module of the package of the element.
Implementation Requirements:
The default implementation of this method returns null.
e - the element being examined
the module of an element


List<? extends Element> getAllMembers(TypeElement type)
Returns all members of a type element, whether inherited or declared directly. For a class the result also includes its constructors, but not local or anonymous classes.
API Note:
Elements of certain kinds can be isolated using methods in ElementFilter.
type - the type being examined
all members of the type
See Also:


default TypeElement getOutermostTypeElement(Element e)
Returns the outermost type element an element is contained in if such a containing element exists; otherwise returns null. Modules and packages do not have a containing type element and therefore null is returned for those kinds of elements. A top-level class or interface is its own outermost type element.
Implementation Requirements:
The default implementation of this method first checks the kind of the argument. For elements of kind PACKAGE, MODULE, and OTHER, null is returned. For elements of other kinds, the element is examined to see if it is a top-level class or interface. If so, that element is returned; otherwise, the enclosing element chain is followed until a top-level class or interface is found. The element for the eventual top-level class or interface is returned.
e - the element being examined
the outermost type element an element is contained in if such a containing element exists; otherwise returns null
See Also:


List<? extends AnnotationMirror> getAllAnnotationMirrors(Element e)
Returns all annotations present on an element, whether directly present or present via inheritance.

Note that any annotations returned by this method are declaration annotations.

e - the element being examined
all annotations of the element
See Also:


boolean hides(Element hider, Element hidden)
Tests whether one type, method, or field hides another.
hider - the first element
hidden - the second element
true if and only if the first element hides the second
See Java Language Specification:
8.4.8 Inheritance, Overriding, and Hiding


boolean overrides(ExecutableElement overrider, ExecutableElement overridden, TypeElement type)
Tests whether one method, as a member of a given class or interface, overrides another method. When a non-abstract method overrides an abstract one, the former is also said to implement the latter. As implied by JLS, a method does not override itself. The overrides relation is irreflexive.

In the simplest and most typical usage, the value of the type parameter will simply be the class or interface directly enclosing overrider (the possibly-overriding method). For example, suppose m1 represents the method String.hashCode and m2 represents Object.hashCode. We can then ask whether m1 overrides m2 within the class String (it does):

assert elements.overrides(m1, m2, elements.getTypeElement("java.lang.String"));
A more interesting case can be illustrated by the following example in which a method in class A does not override a like-named method in interface B:
class A { public void m() {} }
interface B { void m(); }
m1 = ...; // A.m
m2 = ...; // B.m
assert ! elements.overrides(m1, m2, elements.getTypeElement("A"));
When viewed as a member of a third class C, however, the method in A does override the one in B:
class C extends A implements B {}
assert elements.overrides(m1, m2, elements.getTypeElement("C"));
overrider - the first method, possible overrider
overridden - the second method, possibly being overridden
type - the class or interface of which the first method is a member
true if and only if the first method overrides the second
See Java Language Specification:
8.4.8 Inheritance, Overriding, and Hiding
9.4.1 Inheritance and Overriding


String getConstantExpression(Object value)
Returns the text of a constant expression representing a primitive value or a string. The text returned is in a form suitable for representing the value in source code.
value - a primitive value or string
the text of a constant expression
IllegalArgumentException - if the argument is not a primitive value or string
See Also:


void printElements(Writer w, Element... elements)
Prints a representation of the elements to the given writer in the specified order. The main purpose of this method is for diagnostics. The exact format of the output is not specified and is subject to change.
w - the writer to print the output to
elements - the elements to print


Name getName(CharSequence cs)
Returns a name with the same sequence of characters as the argument.
cs - the character sequence to return as a name
a name with the same sequence of characters as the argument


boolean isFunctionalInterface(TypeElement type)
Returns true if the type element is a functional interface, false otherwise.
type - the type element being examined
true if the type element is a functional interface, false otherwise
See Java Language Specification:
9.8 Functional Interfaces


default boolean isAutomaticModule(ModuleElement module)
Returns true if the module element is an automatic module, false otherwise.
Implementation Requirements:
The default implementation of this method returns false.
module - the module element being examined
true if the module element is an automatic module, false otherwise
See Java Language Specification:
7.7.1 Dependences


default RecordComponentElement recordComponentFor(ExecutableElement accessor)
Returns the record component for the given accessor. Returns null if the given method is not a record component accessor.
Implementation Requirements:
The default implementation of this method checks if the element enclosing the accessor has kind RECORD if that is the case, then all the record components on the accessor's enclosing element are retrieved by invoking ElementFilter.recordComponentsIn(Iterable). If the accessor of at least one of the record components retrieved happen to be equal to the accessor passed as a parameter to this method, then that record component is returned, in any other case null is returned.
accessor - the method for which the record component should be found.
the record component, or null if the given method is not a record component accessor


default boolean isCanonicalConstructor(ExecutableElement e)
Returns true if the executable element can be determined to be a canonical constructor of a record, false otherwise. Note that in some cases there may be insufficient information to determine if a constructor is a canonical constructor, such as if the executable element is built backed by a class file. In such cases, false is returned.
Implementation Requirements:
The default implementation of this method unconditionally returns false.
e - the executable being examined
true if the executable element can be determined to be a canonical constructor of a record, false otherwise
See Java Language Specification: Normal Canonical Constructors


default boolean isCompactConstructor(ExecutableElement e)
Returns true if the executable element can be determined to be a compact constructor of a record, false otherwise. By definition, a compact constructor is also a canonical constructor. Note that in some cases there may be insufficient information to determine if a constructor is a compact constructor, such as if the executable element is built backed by a class file. In such cases, false is returned.
Implementation Requirements:
The default implementation of this method unconditionally returns false.
e - the executable being examined
true if the executable element can be determined to be a compact constructor of a record, false otherwise
See Java Language Specification: Compact Canonical Constructors


default JavaFileObject getFileObjectOf(Element e)
Returns the file object for this element or null if there is no such file object.

The returned file object is for the reference representation of the information used to construct the element. For example, if during compilation or annotation processing, a source file for class Foo is compiled into a class file, the file object returned for the element representing Foo would be for the source file and not for the class file.

An implementation may choose to not support the functionality of this method, in which case UnsupportedOperationException is thrown.

In the context of annotation processing, a non-null value is returned if the element was included as part of the initial inputs or the containing file was created during the run of the annotation processing tool. Otherwise, a null may be returned. In annotation processing, if a class file is created, that class file can serve as the reference representation for elements.

If it has a file object, the file object for a package will be a package-info file. A package may exist and not have any package-info file even if the package is (implicitly) created during an annotation processing run from the creation of source or class files in that package. An unnamed package will have a null file since it cannot be declared in a compilation unit.

If it has a file object, the file object for a module will be a module-info file. An unnamed module will have a null file since it cannot be declared in a compilation unit. An automatic module will have a null file since it is implicitly declared.

If it has a file object, the file object for a top-level public class or interface will be a source or class file corresponding to that class or interface. In this case, typically the leading portion of the name of the file will match the name of the class or interface. A single compilation unit can define multiple top-level classes and interfaces, such as a primary public class or interfaces whose name corresponds to the file name and one or more auxiliary classes or interfaces whose names do not correspond to the file name. If a source file is providing the reference representation of an auxiliary class or interface, the file for the primary class is returned. (An auxiliary class or interface can also be defined in a package-info source file, in which case the file for the package-info file is returned.) If a class file is providing the reference representation of an auxiliary class or interface, the separate class file for the auxiliary class is returned.

For a nested class or interface, if it has a file object:

  • if a source file is providing the reference representation, the file object will be that of the outermost enclosing class or interface
  • if a class file is providing the reference representation, the file object will be that of the nested class or interface itself

For other lexically enclosed elements, such as variables, methods, and constructors, if they have a file object, the file object will be the object associated with the enclosing element of the lexically enclosed element.

Implementation Requirements:
The default implementation unconditionally throws UnsupportedOperationException.
e - the element to find a file object for
the file object for this element or null if there is no such file object
UnsupportedOperationException - if this functionality is not supported

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Documentation extracted from Debian's OpenJDK Development Kit package.
Licensed under the GNU General Public License, version 2, with the Classpath Exception.
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