
/OpenJDK 21

Class UserSessionEvent

All Implemented Interfaces:
public final class UserSessionEvent extends AppEvent
Event sent when the user session has been changed. Some systems may provide a reason of a user session change.
See Also:

Nested Class Summary

Modifier and Type Class Description
static enum  UserSessionEvent.Reason
Kinds of available reasons of user session change.

Field Summary

Fields declared in class java.util.EventObject


Constructor Summary

Constructor Description
UserSessionEvent(UserSessionEvent.Reason reason)
Constructs a UserSessionEvent.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method Description
UserSessionEvent.Reason getReason()
Gets a reason of the user session change.

Methods declared in class java.util.EventObject

getSource, toString

Methods declared in class java.lang.Object

clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Details


public UserSessionEvent(UserSessionEvent.Reason reason)
Constructs a UserSessionEvent.
reason - the reason of the user session change
HeadlessException - if GraphicsEnvironment.isHeadless() returns true
UnsupportedOperationException - if Desktop API is not supported on the current platform
See Also:

Method Details


public UserSessionEvent.Reason getReason()
Gets a reason of the user session change.
reason a reason
See Also:

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