
/OpenJDK 21

Interface UserSessionListener

All Superinterfaces:
EventListener, SystemEventListener
public interface UserSessionListener extends SystemEventListener
Implementors receive notification when the user session changes.

This notification is useful for discontinuing a costly animation, or indicating that the user is no longer present on a network service.

Some systems may provide a reason of the user session change.

See Also:

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method Description
void userSessionActivated(UserSessionEvent e)
Called when the user session has been switched to.
void userSessionDeactivated(UserSessionEvent e)
Called when the user session has been switched away.

Method Details


void userSessionDeactivated(UserSessionEvent e)
Called when the user session has been switched away.
e - the user session switch event


void userSessionActivated(UserSessionEvent e)
Called when the user session has been switched to.
e - the user session switch event

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