
/OpenJDK 21

Class CardPermission

All Implemented Interfaces:
Serializable, Guard
public class CardPermission extends Permission
A permission for Smart Card operations. A CardPermission consists of the name of the card terminal the permission applies to and a set of actions that are valid for that terminal.

A CardPermission with a name of * applies to all card terminals. The actions string is a comma separated list of the actions listed below, or * to signify "all actions."

Individual actions are:

connect to a card using CardTerminal.connect()
reset the card using Card.disconnect(true)
establish exclusive access to a card using Card.beginExclusive() and endExclusive()
transmit a control command using Card.transmitControlCommand()
obtain the basic logical channel using Card.getBasicChannel()
open a new logical channel using Card.openLogicalChannel()
See Also:

Constructor Summary

Constructor Description
CardPermission(String terminalName, String actions)
Constructs a new CardPermission with the specified actions.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method Description
boolean equals(Object obj)
Compares the specified object with this CardPermission for equality.
String getActions()
Returns the canonical string representation of the actions.
int hashCode()
Returns the hash code value for this CardPermission object.
boolean implies(Permission permission)
Checks if this CardPermission object implies the specified permission.

Methods declared in class java.security.Permission

checkGuard, getName, newPermissionCollection, toString

Methods declared in class java.lang.Object

clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Details


public CardPermission(String terminalName, String actions)
Constructs a new CardPermission with the specified actions. terminalName is the name of a CardTerminal or * if this permission applies to all terminals. actions contains a comma-separated list of the individual actions or * to signify all actions. For more information, see the documentation at the top of this class.
terminalName - the name of the card terminal, or *
actions - the action string (or null if the set of permitted actions is empty)
NullPointerException - if terminalName is null
IllegalArgumentException - if actions is an invalid actions specification

Method Details


public String getActions()
Returns the canonical string representation of the actions. It is * to signify all actions defined by this class or the string concatenation of the comma-separated, lexicographically sorted list of individual actions.
Specified by:
getActions in class Permission
the canonical string representation of the actions.


public boolean implies(Permission permission)
Checks if this CardPermission object implies the specified permission. That is the case, if and only if
  • permission is an instance of CardPermission,

  • permission's actions are a proper subset of this object's actions, and

  • this object's getName() method is either * or equal to permission's name.

Specified by:
implies in class Permission
permission - the permission to check against
true if and only if this CardPermission object implies the specified permission.


public boolean equals(Object obj)
Compares the specified object with this CardPermission for equality. This CardPermission is equal to another Object object, if and only if
  • object is an instance of CardPermission,

  • this.getName() is equal to ((CardPermission)object).getName(), and

  • this.getActions() is equal to ((CardPermission)object).getActions().

Specified by:
equals in class Permission
obj - the object to be compared for equality with this CardPermission
true if and only if the specified object is equal to this CardPermission
See Also:


public int hashCode()
Returns the hash code value for this CardPermission object.
Specified by:
hashCode in class Permission
the hash code value for this CardPermission object.
See Also:

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