
/OpenJDK 21

Class CardTerminal

public abstract class CardTerminal extends Object
A Smart Card terminal, sometimes referred to as a Smart Card Reader. A CardTerminal object can be obtained by calling CardTerminals.list() or CardTerminals.getTerminal().

Note that physical card readers with slots for multiple cards are represented by one CardTerminal object per such slot.

See Also:

Constructor Summary

Modifier Constructor Description
Constructs a new CardTerminal object.

Method Summary

Modifier and Type Method Description
abstract Card connect(String protocol)
Establishes a connection to the card.
abstract String getName()
Returns the unique name of this terminal.
abstract boolean isCardPresent()
Returns whether a card is present in this terminal.
abstract boolean waitForCardAbsent(long timeout)
Waits until a card is absent in this terminal or the timeout expires.
abstract boolean waitForCardPresent(long timeout)
Waits until a card is present in this terminal or the timeout expires.

Methods declared in class java.lang.Object

clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Details


protected CardTerminal()
Constructs a new CardTerminal object.

This constructor is called by subclasses only. Application should call list() or getTerminal() to obtain a CardTerminal object.

Method Details


public abstract String getName()
Returns the unique name of this terminal.
the unique name of this terminal.


public abstract Card connect(String protocol) throws CardException
Establishes a connection to the card. If a connection has previously established using the specified protocol, this method returns the same Card object as the previous call.
protocol - the protocol to use ("T=0", "T=1", or "T=CL"), or "*" to connect using any available protocol.
the card the connection has been established with
NullPointerException - if protocol is null
IllegalArgumentException - if protocol is an invalid protocol specification
CardNotPresentException - if no card is present in this terminal
CardException - if a connection could not be established using the specified protocol or if a connection has previously been established using a different protocol
SecurityException - if a SecurityManager exists and the caller does not have the required permission


public abstract boolean isCardPresent() throws CardException
Returns whether a card is present in this terminal.
whether a card is present in this terminal.
CardException - if the status could not be determined


public abstract boolean waitForCardPresent(long timeout) throws CardException
Waits until a card is present in this terminal or the timeout expires. If the method returns due to an expired timeout, it returns false. Otherwise it return true.

If a card is present in this terminal when this method is called, it returns immediately.

timeout - if positive, block for up to timeout milliseconds; if zero, block indefinitely; must not be negative
false if the method returns due to an expired timeout, true otherwise.
IllegalArgumentException - if timeout is negative
CardException - if the operation failed


public abstract boolean waitForCardAbsent(long timeout) throws CardException
Waits until a card is absent in this terminal or the timeout expires. If the method returns due to an expired timeout, it returns false. Otherwise it return true.

If no card is present in this terminal when this method is called, it returns immediately.

timeout - if positive, block for up to timeout milliseconds; if zero, block indefinitely; must not be negative
false if the method returns due to an expired timeout, true otherwise.
IllegalArgumentException - if timeout is negative
CardException - if the operation failed

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